I noticed something a little interesting so far in 2017 that I haven’t done so much in the past and that is the amount of Applejack and Dash comics I have made. I don’t ship them obviously but I just find the dynamics of these 2 characters even back in 2011 to be a great combo for comics and stuff. Like I don’t have any Dash and AJ comics from this one on per-say yet…even with all the crap I have stockpiled up in the last couple months but I am gonna try and formulate up a few more in the S7 off-season. There’s something about this duo that I really like and it may be the fact I connect with these 2 characters on their sports and competitive level, cause I like the same stuff, but they are also the hardest combo I think to come up with solid ideas for stuff. Although when you get something as totally simple as this comic it works so well even for the simplicity of it. Oh I will say this that I still find the Sweet Apple Acres backgrounds to be the hardest things to do. I don’t ever re-use BGs…well not since 2012 on panels so everything I do has to be different than any other comic. That’s a challenge but I just like the setting I choose for this one. Little fun trying those new poses out when I did them a while back. That’s my goal for any comics since January is to have each comic have one pose or something I haven’t tried before yet.
Alright so that will wrap it on this one. As I said I will play around with trying to come up with more Dash and AJ comics in the S7 off-season and I do have a lot of Derpy and Spitfire ones I have been working off of and have completed. I’ll mess with the shading stuff likely in the next 2 weeks or so. Just need to get through a busy couple weeks sending out weather job applications and my hydrology class I still got 2 more months of intense stuff for. Pretty much juggling that and watching hockey games and going to my uncle and cousin’s house for sports evenings which are a blast. Again…a juggling act. Alright so 2 more S7 comics to go and then the real stuff of what I been working on last couple months in this new style…unless you been in my live streams each night.