Their weights, after all the support you guys gave in ended up being:
Rainbow Dash at 2,775Lbs
And Fluttershy at 2,985lbs
They were pretty close throughout the whole thing, and in the end they both are ending up pretty massive.
But, I’m not done yet, I debated on doing this but after all I did say I’d include notes somehow,so I figured, why not another picture. After all the support this got I couldn’t say no to myself sooooo….
The Big finale, every note on parts 1-5 as well as this one(6) will go towards adding to their weight for the final picture.
Every note, reblog or like is 1 pound, and I will be splitting the total between them when I start to draw the last part. I hope you guys have enjoyed this, get ready for one last dose of huge pegasi. :)