As soon as I saw the title for the recent LPS episode, “Mean Isn’t Your Color”, I was like ‘Okay, similar title, different plot, but slightly SAME attitude revolving around Penny Ling’.
I must admit, as soon as I saw Penny Ling in the first-ever clip of LPS on YouTube, I immediately fell in love with her. She is such a sweet, kind, caring character and so good to her friends. She is my absolute FAVORITE female pet on the show! :iconomgsocuteplz:
And she reminds me of dear Fluttershy in so many ways. :)
Both are often soft-spoken and very sensitive, but with a heart of gold. :aww:
Kind of like when I drew Sunil Nevla with Trixie! :XD:
Seeing Penny Ling angry in that episode, and I mean LITERALLY tearing down the walls and even resulting in getting one of her friends slightly injured…I recall the last episode of Season 1 of MLP FIM “The Grand Galloping Gala”.
:iconfluttershysnappedplz:: YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE ME!
:iconpennylingplz: NOW YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE ME AS WELL!
Of course we love you, Penny. :aww:
Penny Ling from Littlest Pet Shop (c) Julie McNally Cahill and Timothy Cahill
Fluttershy from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Lauren Faust