With the loyalty to her overlord & dedication to free her friends from the underground. Though, she does make time once in awhile to take on admirers (like Monscoot Kid’s idolization of her) when she’s in the neighborhood. I really like the fact that She fits Undyne’s spot almost to a tee because of how determined she can be for the people she cares most about ////
As an added note: Happy “Talk like a Pirate” / Pirate Day%! Undash fits today’s entry not only for Monscoot Kid, but because she’s a seahorse-ish pony who wears an eye patch, carries spears to hunt & has a crazy-strong attitude to fight!
Any fanart of UnderPone is encouraged & accepted~! Just make sure to remember who copywrote it 1st & credit where it’s due .
UnderPone AU Copywritten by Emilz-the-Half-Demon
Undertale Copywritten by Toby Fox