But then I heard it had just ended so I watched the entire ninth season in one day and wow. As a now much more objective outsider of a viewer, I can only think of one or two episodes out of all 26 that were anything less than absolutely stellar television. From the bottom of my pretentious film snob heart, I salute them. 10/10 Would recommend to a friend!
All this to say, essentially, that y’all can expect more pony art from me on the way. Not a shit-ton, so don’t worry if that’s not your thing, but I am inspired by a few Season 9 things - and it’s good to stay on top of internet art trends sometimes! He said, not doing Inktober like he told himself he would…
But most importantly, Sunburst gets the official EnzymeDevice BEST SMALL HORSE award for being awesome, even through the seasons I didn’t like very much.