[Previous][Index][Next][Follow me on twitter?]* * One of the things that really made me mad about The Return of Harmony, the lack of Princess Luna aside, was how the writers wrote Celestia to talk about how the Mane Six “bonded with the elements when they defeated a mighty foe” or some such bull. By glossing over the much more important fact that Luna was restored to her healthy self, it pushes this sick notion that killing “bad guys” is more important than helping people who are in trouble.So here is me taking another shot at flipping off the FiM writing team. Because when you try to use an inherently good power for evil, even if against something that’s evil itself, you’re gonna get your soul sucked out by a giant, magic parrot.Now that I think of it, maybe the writers were being mindful of what the elements were for. After all, if they turned to stone when Celestia used them to banish Luna to the Moon, what would have happened if they tried to use them to vanquish Queen Chrysalis? * *My Little Pony (c) Hasbro, Friendship is Magic was created by and assistants.
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