AFTER >>1127624
Rainbow Dash: Gee, I look ridiculous. But I’ve heard that Soarin likes when it encourages. Let’s hope that this humiliation is not in vain.
Soarin looks around the corner and thought himself says, “Oh wow, sexy. Wait a minute. Is it………..”
Soarin: RAINBOW DASH?! (Soarin was shocked. Rainbow Dash jumped in surprise and suddenly turned toward the voyeur.)
Rainbow Dash: SOARIN?! Is that you?
Soarin: Rainbow Dash? I did not think that you’re a cheerleader. You look gorgeous.
(Rainbow Dash all blushed and began to mumble)
Rainbow Dash: Sorororrarin? I………
Soarin: Hey, don’t worry. I’m here with you. (he put his hand on her cheek) Look at me.
(She raised her head and suddenly froze motionless. She blushed even more because she frozen in a passionate kiss)
Soarin: You look’s beautiful. After the match, we go on pizza, ok?
Rainbow Dash: Ooooookkkkkkk.