Step 1: Roll two ponies! Click this link to roll them:
If you roll doubles, re-roll! (Duh!)
Step 2 & 3: ROLL A SCENERIO!
The first number is your Scenerio. The second number is your Complication, if you want one. Doubles are okay in this roll.
Step 4: NIGHTMARE MODE! (if you dare!)
This rolls your Mutator, if you want your story to be very strange!
After you’ve rolled your numbers, write a short story with these elements! For example, if my first two numbers rolled are:
Then my Pony #1 is Babs Seed, and Pony #2 is Spitfire.
If I roll 9 for the Scenerio and 15 for the Complication(optional), then I should write a short story about Babs Seed and Spitfire taking care of Winona for a day, but Spitfire is exhausted.
Please remember to keep your stories worksafe! If you want to write raunchy stories you will need to make your own image and thread for it with a higher rating. This thread is rated ‘safe’, so your stories should not exceed that rating. Also feel free to suggest other scenerios, complications, and mutators!
Edit: Obviously, no one will know what you roll, so if you want to “cheat”, or if you just don’t want to bother rolling at all, go ahead and simply pick your ponies, scenerio, etc. The point of this is to get you to practice writing, or to inspire you! In other words, HAVE FUN!