Page 557 - Value of a FootsoldierThere’s a part of me that likes somewhat mysterious characters that still find a way to comfortably coexist with the party. Yeah, sometimes all you get is a moody miseryguts, but other times you have an otherwise normally likable character that can still surprise you later on. But that may be me as a current DM talking.
Twilight Sparkle: At least we caught him, whoever he is. I say let’s deposit him at the nearest guard station and let them work him over. Maybe we’ll learn more about the Thieves Guild now!
Princess Luna: I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Twilight Sparkle: Pardon?
Princess Luna: Out of character… Acts of political sabotage are an initiate’s job. A small task for agents who are low-risk and expendable. In short: This thief won’t know anything useful.
Twilight Sparkle: Huh. So what rank was Rarity?
Princess Luna: <sigh> You asked if she would slander on command. The answer, several years ago, was yes. But by the time she met you, such tasks were beneath her. And now, of course, the question is moot.
Applejack: Well, we learned something new about Rarity the enigma today. Callin’ that a win.
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