Page 520 - The Warrior PrincessBy the time this goes up, a new character card will be on the Cast page. The comic story neatly mirrors real life for once - someone generously showed my broke self the way to an older character builder, and heck if it doesn’t kinda work out theme-wise.But on top of that, Luna’s actual build is mostly lifted from another reader who emailed me a suggested one after I admitted I hadn’t built her yet. By that time, I already had the old version and a work-in-progress character for Luna, but then I compared the two and went, “Yeah, that one’s better.” So the fact that Luna has a character card on the Cast page is mainly thanks to two readers who helped me out during this crazy, crazy month.
Rainbow Dash: Alright, I think it’s about time. Does Luna have a character sheet, and can we see what’s on it?
DM: Sure.
Princess Luna: Here you are.
Rainbow Dash: Woah. This is… different.
Applejack: It’s old. This version of the character sheet goes a little ways back.
Princess Luna: Yes. Unfortunately, all I had access to this week was an older character builder.
DM: But, when you think about it, that’s incredibly apropos for Luna…
Rainbow Dash: Okay, I think I got this… Level 7… Warlord?
Pinkie Pie: Eeeeeee! Yessss!!
Twilight Sparkle: Warlord… That’s a Leader class, right? Specializing in giving allies extra actions per round?
DM: Precisely.
Pinkie Pie: But even better! ‘Cuz Warlords are all about shouting. She’s got Inspiring Word, I’ve got Majestic Word! That means we’ve got two characters using their voices to shout and sing you back to health! Heeheehee! Isn’t that AWESOME?!
Fluttershy: Um… I guess?
Applejack: Ain’t gonna say no to another healer.
Rainbow Dash: Down one Striker, though…
Applejack: Hey, we got a Ranger and a Barbarian. We’re good on damage output.
Rainbow Dash: We WOULD be, if we were properly optimized. And this wasn’t a super-social campaign anyway.
DM: Er, but yes, Warlord seemed like the best fit for Princess Luna.
Princess Luna: She hails from a time when Equestria was in turmoil. When royalty needed to speak with distinction… POWER… AND AUTHORITY.
Twilight Sparkle: It’s scary that you can actually pull that off.
Princess Luna: I always strive for authenticity.
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