Page 519 - Nervous EatingAs a DM, it’s our task to add the right amount of details to make a place feel populated, believable, and even a little provocative in our descriptions. But sometimes, you don’t know what small, unimportant description will catch a player’s eye. And if they think it’s important, then sometimes you have to make it more than it was.I suppose the Story Time prompt flows naturally from this: Any stories about a player obsessing over a small detail?
Applejack: Before we get to the talkin’, can I roll Streetwise real quick?
DM: What for?
Applejack: <roll> I wanna ask if anypony saw the “feast on us all” guy earlier. Uh… 5.
Pinkie Pie: Girl, I got this! I’m trained up the wazoo AND get a Cutie Mark bonus!
DM: Alas, the only ponies you can ask right now are running, screaming, frightened children. Applejack, nopony seems to know who said it, other than it being a stallion’s voice.
Applejack: Well, I only got a 5, so THAT don’t satisfy my paranoia at all!
DM: Anyway. Twilight, for a while you search around in the Ponyville outskirts where Luna was headed. You eventually find the Princess back in front of the statue of Nightmare Moon, looking forlornly at a lone piece of candy.
Rainbow Dash: What, did she eat the rest?
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Like, half our haul was there!
DM: Er… The rest is, uh, behind the statue. Somehow. Moving on…
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