Page 1394 - Bumbling Inspector
23rd Jun 2020, 6:00 AMFool: Natural 1 on Perception or Insight means you “learn” something utterly untrue
Intellectual: Natural 1 on Perception or Insight means you went to a cartoonish length to learn absolutely nothing of value
Twilight Sparkle: Um… Can I roll Insight?
DM: Hmm. Insight into what, exactly?
Twilight Sparkle: To see if Cadance remembers me?
DM: Ah. Yeah, go ahead.
Twilight Sparkle: <roll> Ohhhhhh great.
DM: Natural 1, huh? Perhaps it’s the stress. Perhaps it’s lingering weirdness from everything you’ve been dealing with the last few days. But for whatever reason, your brain makes this illogical leap: “I know how to make her remember! I’ll dance and sing that very embarrassing playground dance and nursery rhyme we used to share!” And you immediately do so.
Twilight Sparkle: Aaauuuuuugh!
Rainbow Dash: Pfffhahaha!
DM: Cadance’s response?
Princess Cadance: Mi Amore Cadenza rolls Bluff to try to not look completely and utterly baffled. <roll> She barely succeeds.
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