“I don’t want to live anymore!” The young unicorn mare screamed. Luna’s chest tightened she felt as if her heart had been torn apart. After all these years dream walking nothing had ever hit so hard. Yes Luna had dealt with such dark cases before but this time was different. This time she related with the dreamer. Luna had never gotten along with any other pony before, yes she had Twilight and the rest of her 5 friends to keep her company but they could not possibly understand the emotions and personality Luna was had, and so she felt…outcasted, but this mare was something Luna had never come across before. A mare that understood Luna, and made her feel like she was not alone. She knew she must do something to comfort the young unicorn. “I cannot stand seeing you like this!” Luna’s voice echoed all throughout the dream realm, then the realm was submerged in silence. The Unicorn looked down tears streaming down her eyes. Luna broke the silence. “You don’t have to do this.” Luna began give the young unicorn a comforting wing hug, the unicorn then said,“I’m alone, everypony around me is a despicable monster, no pony will ever form a friendship with me anyway because i’m just an accident waiting to happen, I will only end up hurting myself and others so what’s the point in even trying to make them understand, WHAT’S THE POINT IN LIVING IN THIS HARSH CRUEL WORLD?” Luna bursted in tears and yelled back in a worried tone, “Well if you think you have no pony to live for think again, because i’m here and ponies like us need to stick together! You are smart, you are kind, and you are so important, you just don’t see it right now. So I ask you, will you be my friend? The young mare was surprised, “thank you Luna, you had no idea how much I needed to hear that, I will stay, I will love myself for who I am, and I can thank you for that.” the two hugged and cried tears of joy. “I’m sure that there are others out there who like you too, you just don’t know it. Never be afraid to show who really are, and if they run away from the truth, that’s their problem and it is not your fault. When you need help and you show sompony who you really are and they stay and they help you, you know that that somepony is your friend.”
This little story was made to encourage people to help others through the tough times and it’s a scenario that is all too real, so please take the time to help someone out. It’s worth it.
And don’t forget, your amazing. :)