Page 1398 - Buried Treasure
2nd Jul 2020, 6:00 AMOh god, we’re only halfway through 2020…<ahem> I’m sure every DM does this at least once. Any stories about burying the lede, intentionally or accidentally?
Rainbow Dash: I’mma stop you right there. You’re expecting me to help this rich, famous, happy couple get married?
Applejack: “Happy” is the worst part?
Rainbow Dash: I-I’m just saying! What do you want me to do, punch people?
Princess Cadance: Hmhmhm! No offense taken.
Shining Armor: Heh. I mean, if we get attacked, yes! By all means, work security.
DM: Considering some of the notoriety you gained at the Best Young Fliers Competition, I’m sure everyone in Canterlot wants to see a Sonic Rainboom on such a special day.
Rainbow Dash: PFFFT. Yeah, but didn’t that take, like, four exactly precise rolls to pull off? What are the odds of me being able to do that again?
Twilight Sparkle: 1/20 to the 4th power…
DM: Since you’ve succeeded once and have gone up a couple levels… I’m willing to say you can now perform the Sonic Rainboom reliably.
Rainbow Dash: Wait, *WHAT?!* *WHAT?!?!* *AUUUGGGH!!* Why do you have such a PROBLEM with telling me the good news *FIRST*?!?!
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