“Loosen up and celebrate!”
“Hooves are banging on the floor!”
“That’s a nice beat, do some more!”
I know the beat’s inside you and you’re the princess of the night and all that, but for God’s sake Luna, it’s like 3 in the morning. Some of us are trying to sleep. Go to bed you butthorse.
So as some of you have probably figured out, I am completely obsessed with the song Midnight Frenzy, by Duo Cartoonists It’s just so energetic and happy, and so Disney-esque, which is a plus. So I had to take a stab at it. I have to admit, not quite as grand as I was hoping, but eh, a dancing Woona is a dancing Woona.
Lord above, I cannot tell you have many variations with settings, lighting, and poses (and faces for Luna, some of which the stuff of nightmares once rendered) to get this accursed thing complete. Hell, Starswirl’s was a pain and a half to get looking sufficiently mystical looking. I had a castle courtyard which killed my computer’s RAM, both the exterior and interior of both a yacht and an airship, some ruins, a grassy field…
Oh yeah, and Starswirl is here now, so that’s a thing. Barring bunny slippers, teddy bear slippers will suffice.
You know, the guy created some crazy powerful magic spells that even the princesses didn’t fully understand, single-handedly fought and beat a bunch of monsters, and is probably the most important figure in Equestria’s history that isn’t wearing a crown… and the thing Starswirl’s best know for is his awesome beard. I mean that’s a fricken sweet beard right there. You do all that, and that’s what the sands of time remember. Never underestimate the power of facial hair, kiddos.