Anonymous asked:hello ego i hope you are having a nice day. (sorry this is new to me) i have just read your moonstuck comic and i loved it (i know its been like 5 years since it ended but i only entered the mlp fandom this year) i know your probably busy (maybe even tired of asks like these) but i was wondering what do you plan to do in the future will there be more woona (shorts,pics,comics,etc) or is there anything else your planning (some other shorts,pic, comics, etc) if so what would the future of woona?ahh thank you!! Moonstuck is still something really special to me, and I love knowing that people are still enjoying it even all this time later. C:I don’t have anything planned for Team Woona at the moment; sometimes I draw them again but it’s usually pretty spur-of-the-moment! those are all under my moonstuck tag if you haven’t seen them yet. :D here’s one just for you!
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