Smolder: Exactly. It’s only Monday. We have four more days until the weekend.
Gallus: That’s a really negative way of looking at it.
Silverstream: Are you sure you’re not just upset that we have a paper due in for Professor Twilight?
Smolder: Wait… wut?
Silverstream: Yeah! That big long paper she’s been harping on about for weeeeeeks is due on Thursday!
Smolder: …I’m doomed…
Yona: No worry! Yona help Smolder?
Sandbar: Aww, that’s nice. Going to help her come up with ideas?
Yona: What? No. Yona not miracle worker. Yona was going to help put Dragon in box and mail her away.
Gallus: The changeling method!
Ocellus: That is not the changeling metho- Grrrnngh! *huffs and storms off*