Smolder: Yeah. That’s pretty obvious. Well back home I’d just flop into a lava pool and the dirt would just melt off me.
Ocellus: Well, I was asked to fit in so it only takes me about as long as a regular Pony. Although drying isn’t as big an issue. Chitin is best!
Silverstream: You’re telling me! Turns out transformation doesn’t solve wet manes pouts So it takes me a lot longer. About an hour?
Yona: Yona takes as long as Yona needs. Yaks don’t waste time.
Sandbar: Well I last clocked myself at taking at least ninety minutes.
Silverstream: Wowie! Why so long?
Gallus: Heaven forbid a strand is out of place
Sandbar: Gotta keep my mane in it’s awesome state. It doesn’t do it itself y’know? I knew you’d understand G!
Gallus: facedesk