Sandbar: Not sure that one is original. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it before.
Gallus: It does have a ring to it
SIlverstream: This will be so exciting! I can’t wait!!
Ocellus: Aren’t we doing it already
Smolder: I feel none of us have explained this very well
Princess Luna: Then allow my sister and I to explain it for thee.
Students: PRINCESSES???
Princess Celestia: Good day, my lovely creatures. It’s so very nice to see you. And to all of YOU out there too.
Princess Luna: Allow us to explain the situation more clearly. Please do not be afraid. The Students of Twilight’s school of Friendship are not going anywhere.
Princess Celestia: Quite so. What is happening is more of a…. friendship report - I guess you could say. They will be continue sharing their adventures in Ponyville with you all here…
Princess Luna: … and simultaneously they’ll be forwarding those reports to another group of eager ponies. Eventually there will come a time when both groups will be updated at the same time.
Princess Celestia: Now why is this happoening? Well - It’s always good to have copies of reports. I dare say, if the Golden Oaks library had the only copy of all of young Twilight’s books, Equestia would be a far less knowledgeable place. This is just to let more people share in these tales.
Princess Luna: You too, are more than welcome to read these reports. By clicking on the words of my sister and I, you shall be teleported to their repository. Do take care though - there are many ponies around studying!
Princess Celestia: We must bid you farewell for now, my little ponies. Have a lovely day
Princess Luna: Fare thee well, commoners!
Princess Celestia: Luna!