
Alicorns! Powerful, deathless, larger than life. There aren’t many of them but you’ll know them when you see them. Perhaps you’ll be tipped off by the magical glyphs that manifest on the demigods’ pelts. Or the fact that the creatures are a tad bigger than your average pone. Or the phenomenon of those manes and tails that perennially waft around of their own accord, natural air currents (or lack thereof) be damned. Be it via these cues or a number of others, when an alicorn alicorns you, you know you’ve been alicorned.
Princess Luna, as you know, was at one time possessed by the dark magical entity known as Nightmare Moon. Under any other set of circumstances, a creature of light magic–like, for example, a pony–would not survive infiltration from a dark magical force (oil and water, as it were). Luna only lived through the ordeal because alicorns are made of sterner stuff. However, the dark-light magical fusion left its mark on the Princess, mutating much of her physiology and leaving her with a vaguely demonic look. It doesn’t seem to hurt her though, and we, her fans, know she’s got a beautiful heart under all that webbing and weirdness.
And yes, Sunset here IS a grown-up adult-type mare. Alicorns are big. Why is Sunset hanging
out with Luna in this pic? Well my children, that’s a story for another day. Denied!


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