I THOUGHT that drawing Rarity in my fetish a couple of times would vent me of the urge and I’d be done with it but it would seem that I have yet to get her out of my system.
So, I’ve sentenced her to THE BAG-O-PERVY PENALTIES as punishment.
The Bag o Pervy Penalties is a bag that contains poker chips which various situations written on them. I throw them all in a bag and take one chip randomly and whatever is written on that chip I’ll draw (or sentence a hapless victim to)
Rarity, The Bag-o-Pervy Penalties sentences you to…
Consume one “s” Size Magic Milkshake.
Magic Milkshakes were accidentally invented by my OC Ai as a herbology experiment gone awry or right depending upon your perspective.
The magic milkshake greatly expands the bust size of anyone who consumes it. The effects gradually wear off in about a week or so.