Trixie’s flashlight shone on the grass and mossy fallen stones covered in what could have been centuries of undisturbed foliage.
In the distance was a great basilica with unusual purple stained glass windows. The outside was eroded and overgrown, uncared for and untended, but an eerie light pulsed from within. Though weathered by the elements, it was clear that its architecture was unlike anything else in all Equestria.
“Wicked things are within these walls. The Elements are bound to its halls.” the Zebra motioned to the cathedral with her oaken staff.
Zecora had sought out Trixie more than a week before. As a regular resident of the Everfree Forest, she quickly became aware of a wicked presence lurking within these woods; a miasma not felt since Nightmare Moon’s insurrection. With Luna missing, the Canterlot and Ponyville guard working tirelessly, and Celestia unable to hold a search of her own, there was only one pony to turn to: the so-called “Great and Powerful” Trixie. With her career as a performer in shambles, she was left with little choice…She had to reinvent herself, so she left to the badlands to become a professional gunslinger. She was far better at that, and was especially skilled with revolvers and once shot six apples off the heads of six foals while doing a crossword puzzle. All that was needed now was to find and put down whoever, or whatever, was responsible for this madness.
Trixie deposited the last of six bullets into her .44 Magnum, its pewter barrel gleaming in the moonlight. The cylinder spun and snapped into place, loading the weapon - ready to kill. Trixie was prepared for whatever foul evil had taken up residence here…or so she thought.
The flashlight sputtered and went cold, in her hand. Trixie struck the device against her palm until the light sparked back on…
“Who the hell is that!?” the unicorn exclaimed, grasping her pistol in front of her. She caught glimpse of a pink, feminine figure in what appeared to be a jester costume, before the device sputtered out again.
“Was that Pinkie Pie before our eyes or is this place filled of lies?” Zecora spat, sharpening her gaze. Trixie reached for a new pair of batteries out of her back pocket. She flipped open the metal cannister, emptying its contents unto the grass. A soft ‘thud’ sent chills down her spine, as she quickly inserted the replacement cells. The blue mare whipped back around, only to discover…
Zecora was gone!
“Z-Zecora?” Trixie called out, shining the flashlight around frantically in an attempt to find her Zebra companion, but to no avail. In her place, a lone silhouette standing on a pile of rubble in the distance. She stared at the figure for a few seconds through the scope until she heard a sudden giggle and jingling to her left! She spun around - nothing there. Then turned back to the silhouette - it was gone.
“Who is there!?” Trixie panicked, fear filling her lungs. “The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie is packing!” she bellowed.
A second silhouette emerged from the darkness…and then a third. And a forth. Trixie could do nothing but try and keep her eyes on them.
“Oof!” She staggered back, catching herself on something. It was another pony - A mare, standing behind her with cold, piercing eyes.
Trixie jerked around, coming face to face with a shadowy Alicorn with great bat wings. Before she could identify the target, she cocked .44 at its abdomen and squeezed the trigger. She fired until the pistol clicked dry and the creature flew back with a pained shriek, before laying motionless on the grass and stone. Trixie shone the light on her assailant…
“T-Twilight? Twilight Sparkle!?!”
The strange bat-like mare was indeed Twilight Sparkle. Six shots sailed through her stomach and left her body torn, motionless on the grass. Trixie placed a hand over her mouth, cringing at the sight. Another giggle briefly stole her attention, and when she turned back to the cadaver…it was gone.
There was a moment of dreadful silence. All other sounds left her mind, and the only thing she could hear was the pounding of her own heartbeat.
And then…