Today’s theme was “Draw a pony with nerves of steel / Draw a pony meeting a goal.” And another headshot!
I don’t know about everyone else, but Dashie was the first pony who came to mind when reading “pony with nerves of steel” and “a pony meeting a goal.” This is the pose she has at the end of Newbie Dash once she’s become a wonderbolt.
Also, I’m in pretty early with this one! That’s because I have pretty much no other time in the day today for a drawing, so I only had some time this morning to do one Again with limited time. So some parts look a bit jankey to me, mostly her wing, and her mane is a little off, which I usually nail, but perhaps that’s because of having to draw and draw the goggles pinning it back. Either way, doesn’t look so bad. And drawing Dashie is always enjoyable.