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An Adventure
“What do you think, Angel? It might be over there!”

I’m finally off school! But now I have a job! Here’s a painting I completed in the off time between the two
Funny story about this one. I had spent an evening working on this painting, when suddenly my tablet stopped working. I figured it only needed a restart so I started saving the painting and pressed the hardware reset button. Oops … needless to say the PSD file was completely corrupted. I opened it in a hex editor and there were patches of zeros that ran for hundreds of lines. Thankfully, I had an old export I was able to paint over; Fluttershy and most of the environment was saved. It was certainly depressing repainting work I had already completed, though! Let that be a lesson to everyone to save often, and save multiple copies!
Ah well. I think it came out pretty darn well despite all the issues I had with it
(Tablet still works, thankfully, the restart fixed something!)


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