Recently I posted some images of Silk Cords practicing >>1841404t her trade. Now it’s time for another member of Luna’s Night Court and security detail. This is Straight Laced >>1568180 (Suggestive) and she often works with Silk Cords. Together they are very good stopping, apprehending, and restraining possible attackers, infiltrators, and general troublemakers. Besides possessing a good range of unicorn spells Straight Laced is an expert at the Canterlot school of kick boxing. She also very is effective with the bola which she can use immobilize and stun assailants at range or stop them if they attempt to disengage her and flee. Between her bolas and Silk Cords lasso they are an effective combo
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
Uploader’s comment:
This storyline has been uploaded haphazardly. Here they are in order:
Nightfall >>1567996 10-22-17
Straight Laced >>1568180 (Suggestive) 10-22-17
Silk Cords >>1574086 (Suggestive) 10-30-17
Midnight Oil >>1850778 11-31-2017
Half-Cock >>1819165 08-29-18
I’m Not Celestia 09-19-18
Boom >>1837953 09-21-18
Rope Tricks >>1841404 09-25-18
Straight Laced Practicing >>1845774 10-01-18
Midnight Oil Practicing >>1850773 10-06-18
Are You Two Done Having Fun? >>1854243 10-11-18
Thank You For Your Assistance >>1854753 10-12-18
Hangover >>1856848 10-14-18
Available Resources >>1912427 10-17-18
Bad Taste in the Air >>1912433 11-07-18
Go Ahead, Give Me a Reason >>1913197 11-08-18
Haunting Memories >>1913206 11-12-18
Want to Get Some Breakfast? >>1881623 11-13-18
Prophecy >>1890081 11-18-18
Reviewing the Plans >>1890087 11-19-18
Good at What She Does >>1913213 12-12-18
Time is on My Side >>1915689 12-13-18
Time Anchor >>1913141 12-17-18
As the Hammer Comes Down >>1912959 (Grimdark) 12-19-18
Cast On the Seas of Time >>1916571 12-21-18
The Gatekeeper >>1915762 12-22-18
This is by no means complete. Baron’s dreamscape is very extensive, and most of it hasn’t been uploaded here. If you’re interested, here’s the DA folder .