“Sunny, please stop moving your feet around and lemme clean this wound, your in pretty bad shape.”
“Bad shape? Why would you thin that Hitchy? If you take a look at me, you can clearly see im ALL RIGHT~”
“Sunny, seriously? How are you able to joke at a time like this, especially with everything that’s happened to you?”
“Hitch, I know that everything that has happened has been bad, i still feel burdened by what has happened to Maretime Bay. But we can’t just give up hope. I know things are bad, but we need to stick together, hope and kindness have saved us before, they can save us again!”
“yeah.. i guess you’re right Sunny. Now hold still so i can get this wound patched up, and we can get these supplies back to the Brighthouse-”
Hitch suddenly feels something pressing against his face
“How about a massage too while your at it?~
“Don’t push it Sunny…”
Another pic in my G5 infection AU, this time focusing on the human versions of Sunny Starscout and Hitch Trailblazer :D
Following the infection of Maretime Bay, Sunny and Hitch quickly became the defacto leaders of the community. Sunny made sure to get as much survivors as she could into the Brighthouse, using her alicorn magic to protect them, though sadly during this she got grievously injured, losing an eye and getting infected in her arm, resulting her her having to get it amputated.
She and Hitch are trying their best to keep the residents safe while they await the return of their friends, in hopes of trying to find out what has happened. Running low on supplies, sunny and Hitch scout out to the old buildings to see if they would be able to fetch some supplies for the Birghthouse, and while during the trip Sunny would once again be injured, suffering a cut to her foot, needing Hitch to having perform medical attention on it.
Hitch is both confused and amazed at how despite all the suffering that has happened to her and her community, Sunny is still able to put on a brave face and still be hopeful and optimistic about helping everyone
Sunny is a tough cookie, she is the element of Hope afterall, and she’s gonna make sure that nothing bad happens to anyone else <3