Pound Cake and Princess Flurry Heart (2 years age difference).
How they met:
Pound Cake and Flurry Heart met as babies when Flurry’s aunt and uncle, Twilight Sparkle and Spike came to the Sugarcube Corner. The little princess felt awkward at first when meeting the Cake twins, Pound and Pumpkin, but then they started playing. Everything was fine until the siblings started fighting over a toy balloon. Flurry decided to make peace between them and broke the toy in half, but only made them angry. They started throwing cupcakes at her, which scared and upset her. After this incident, she became afraid of them and tried to avoid them. However, later, when Flurry came to Ponyville with her parents, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, she accidentally met Pound and Pumpkin on a walk. The children made peace and finally became friends.
From an early age, Pound had a crush on Flurry and was amazed by her magical abilities, and she, in turn, learned from him how to cook very tasty and unusual pastries. They had many friends.
Flurry and Pound, along with their friends and family, have experienced many adventures throughout their lives, but always supported each other in any situation. Each of them found a calling in their lives: Pound became a famous baker in Equestria, and Flurry became the keeper of the Crystal Heart and the leader of her team.
They married on Flurry’s 20th birthday and subsequently had a daughter, Halva Heart (born a unicorn, married Cream Puff’s and Pipsqueak’s son, Sweet Spot). The spouses lives in Ponyville.