This is all my SoarinDash shippings and my SoarinFire shipping if you keep reading you’ll find out why she’s in this picture with the SoarinDash Family~:
Strike Force (Adopted from IRL-SnowQueenRarity): The first born of the twins. She is always on the go and enjoys a good race when it comes to it. She will never give in showing the competitive side she got from her mom. She enjoys racing and the speed at which she can go. She always seems to be trying to do the sonic rainboom like her mom can do, but she always fails and spins out of control as soon as she reaches the high speeds.
Gusty Twister (Adopted from Yoshi123pegasister): The second born of the twins. He is always picked on by Strike about how fast he can go because she can go faster than him. Speed isn’t what was made for this colt though. He enjoys taking his time and when it is needed he will fly as fast as he can and conserve his energy until the end. He does manage to win some races, but somehow his sister always seems to beat him no matter what he tries.
Cool Day (Adopted fromBL4Z1NG-SH4D0WS): Currently in highschool he is in most athletic sports having to involve with flying. He is always wearing his headband and when in the middle of a exercise or at practice he is in his athletic clothes always giving it his all when it comes to sports. He’s not really looking into joining the Wonderbolts like his parents. He wants to be a part of a whole different sport.
Storm Chaser (Adopted fromBL4Z1NG-SH4D0WS): The younger sister of everyone and mostly the cutest. She can basically get away with anything when she’s giving somepont her cute pout her begging look. She doesn’t really throw fits, but hates it when she can’t get her way. She has her father wrapped around her wing and can get away with anything around him, other than her mother that can stand her stare and tell her no.
Hazel Lightning (Adopted from FrozenAdopts): The oldest of all the children. She is a Wonderbolt-in-training, currently being apart of the Wonderbolt academy, she is usually away from home quite a bit always at the academy trying to give it her all and showing off her stunts. She is an exact copy of her mother. Always wanting to be the best in a race or winning. She has a high competitive streak and will challenge anyone that will take her on. She is highly protective of her little siblings, especially Little Bitty since she is only her half sister and some other fillies and colts make fun saying she was adopted since its obvious that she isn’t RD’s real daughter only Soarin’s.
Little Bitty “Bits” (Adopted from DJ-Acid-Rain): Little Bitty is a bit of a different story. She came after her father and Rainbow Dash got into a fight and he sort of left the house and went to go see Spit Fire to ask her for advice. It sort of changed from then out. He didn’t mean to, but when she was born she went home with her father. Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to be mad though she happily took the young filly under her wing as one of her own and treating her as her other children.