Original Description:
Bad End AU: New look.
Hi! Remember that i was working on some redesigns? C: here is one of them! The old design will always stay with me but i just couldn’t make it workhere is the updated cast post:
Meet the new and improved “Harlequin Comedy”! Now re-named “Diabolical Dissonance Devilfood Pie”(geez Pinkie chill with the names!) or Dixie Dizzy as she prefers to be called C: . Some notes about her new design and personality:
- Kept her swirly almost soft-serve like hair, just toned the pink parts a bit down, not it’s just the tips while most of the hair is white C:.
Gave her a beard! You know that those fluffy pie genes mixed with chaos create an explosion of hair, she is floofinus maximus incarnated.
- I tried to keep most of the old design characters , but changed most of it, for example the new Dixie is based on the mythological creature Pan, and a mix of goat (ehem*Grogar’s influence on Discord?*ehem), pig, sheep and the tiniest bit of Krampus.
Her horns are based on peppermint candy and they can change form depending on how they feel, very much like a cartoon.
- She can switch from standing on four legs to two, but prefers the former to the latter.
To be honest, I struggled with Harley’s character ever since her creation; I just didn’t felt happy no matter what I thought I could do with her, and realized that there was too much gloom on the pie household, and that most of the ideas could fit Festivalus instead , so I decided to scrap the first concept.
One thing that hasn’t changed is the huge love her big bros feel for her, ever since she was a little draconequus waddling behind them. They tried to distract her as best as they could from their disaster family. She misses the twins a lot ever since they ran away, and wishes they could visit her more. Bonus sketch of the twins and Dixie: [](https://sta.sh/0azpqq6hblz "Smooch pie by BunnAri, Jun 19, 2023")
Dixie is the very energetic fluffy ball of chaos result of the union of Pinkie and Discord. She plays along the rhythm of her own drum. She is very skilled in a wide variety of musical instruments, including the flugelhorn and the yavidaphone, most creatures that hear her music claim that it is weirdly hypnotic. Dixie is very VERY superstitious and believes in both bad and good luck, don’t break a mirror near her or she’ll go CRAZY.