Artist’s Note:
January! I know there are 2 holidays in MLP, which are Derpy’s Day and Family Appreciation Day and I scratch those ideas, so instead I been playing Skyrim little bit and Skyrim got mixed into it. At first I just wanted to add it as an Easter egg, and then change my mind later. Furthermore, a lot of the reference wasn’t skyrim (little bit) but cloudy snow days from photos. I needed to see what the shadows looked like in snow on cloudy day because I was going add snow fall in the poster and San Diego doesn’t have snowy cloudy days, (photo reference very useful!). The snow footprints probably took the longest to do just because I had duplicate them and place them on the ground (with hills) and a lot of them were floating so I had to go to each individual one to make sure they were on the ground. Also, I knew there wasn’t a model for Dragonborn Fluttershy so I used a lot overrides and mix it with Longsword97 FOE armor and Yoksharart armor, bag, and the iron helmet from skyrim. Crash a couple times trying override Yoksharart armor, (really do not know why, I got it work eventually and didn’t crash. Its probably the order of hiding material with $alpha.) Also, pull Fluttershy ear inside head, to hide the ear. There are few places the shadows do not work correctly probably not going to fix. There little photoshop edit.So February is coming up very soon, Heart and Hooves Day is the next poster. I will have work very fast and work efficiently due other project I have for school (San Diego State University Graphic Design), so I hope I can it done on Valentines Day but I cannot guarantee it will be finish on time, so I will do my best!Thank you for stopping by and Enjoy!
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