Pony. Bow. And Spider. We are talking about Deponia, of course. A large part of this Country is occupied by the Magic Forest, where Magical Creatures live. Yes, as you already understood, including these Spiders, who are long-standing Allies of the Local Ponies.
(Symbiosis, although within one concept there are three different definitions, basically under the word Symbiosis, people understand precisely Mutualism, when both species receive from each other what they need.)
Author He gave me permission to add this Portrait to Derpibooru.
Author: Bunnyshrubby
Amazing Portrait by @amiyourhiro!
Information on Ordering Portraits of the Artist:
Portraits - $60 (But can be discounted to $30 for EaW related art)
The Author of the Portrait has a Group on VK, but I won’t tell you, guess yourself :)
The author said that, It’s better not to give a link to the group, it’s almost inactive anyway.
About Commissions
Commissions in EaW - Portrait commissions can be included in the mod, complete with a custom description. Note that acceptance of portraits and selection of a suitable nation are at the discretion of the EaW team.
Disclaimer - Artist commissions are the responsibility of the artist, not the EaW team. We recommend you do due diligence in commissioning an artist, and agree in writing on clear expectations, timeframes and conditions for payment or refund.