Continuing with my new pens, I went even naughtier. Getting used to the brush tip and getting a bit faster now to. Still a bit sloppy compared to my other work, but I’m liking the line quality.
On the left we have Lanolin Curls, a sheep girl that was originally supposed to be some-pony else. Not sure who. I sketched out someone in undies, stockings, and I think long gloves, and then forgot who it was. Didn’t label it, didn’t sketch in a mane style either, so no clue. Decided to go with a sheep girl I had an idea for… The horns aren’t big enough, and not sure about the wool on the arms and legs. But cute enough.
On the right we have Blue Giggles again, in a dress, and a bit… Um… Compromised. And censored because dA doesn’t like the sort of thing behind Blue’s Cutie Mark….