Original Description:
Check out the reimagining of this picture here! https://www.deviantart.com/sunegem/art/Vanquisher-Of-The-Night-Sky-290591786
A collaboration between me and a friend. His job was too design the line art and plan out the whole thing, while mine was digitally painting it all and adding that slight splash of color. I'd say in all honesty he is much better at line art than me, and I'd like to think I'm better at digital painting than him. So this seemed a perfect idea, playing off each others strengths at art to make one whole picture.
Here's the line art created by Geco-Deco12...
The picture isn't 100% complete yet, but it's near enough done. There's a tree to add and some other little features that I didn't get to painting from the line art made. As well as fixing up little mistakes here and there and neatening it up. But it'll do for now. :p