New Character in Equestria Games at War, His Name is: Facilier Beauxregard
(Les Meridiennes)
Born: April 14th, 978 году
Biography: Born the son of a fishmonger and a shipyard worker, life was not set to be easy for young Facilier. With little wealth to his family name, the young colt often turned his attention outward: to the sea, and whatever laid beyond. Noveau Aquila was a bustling port at the time, and Facilier’s attention was often fixated on the stories the sailors brought with them. More crucially, they often spoke of the harsh working conditions faced by those who made their living on the seas. In an effort to put the stories of these unsung heroes to paper, Facilier would leave home and seek out likeminded individuals, travelling far and wide with little but his few belongings.
For all his effort, the stories he sought would lead him to the young Socialist Republic of Stalliongrad, where he would decide to embark upon an ideological safari to other regions in and around Equestria harboring communist sympathies. However, after spending much time within Coltjun revolutionary circles in Baltimare, he would instead leave for Les Meridiennes, influenced by his heritage and confident in their revolutionary potential.
With little more than his meagre possessions and no connections in the area, Facilier would eventually meet up with Mama Ruby, working his way through the ranks and building the PKM up to be the true party of the people. With the end of Vivienne’s brief rule on the isles, they now seek to transform the former colony into an independent state with its own bright future.
Author of the Portrait He gave me permission to add this Portrait to Derpibooru.
Author of the Portrait: Bunnyshrubby
The Author of the Portrait has a Group on VK, but I won’t tell you, guess yourself :)
The author said that, It’s better not to give a link to the group, it’s almost inactive anyway.