Original Description:
I got inspired by bokkitoki in shipping Terraloo and making a next-gen ( Her chicken boy is the cutest!) and gosh darn it my mind has not been at peace since then and I needed to draw a next-gen.
This a Wave Rush
He acts almost exactly how Scoots used to be, loud, fast, and so much positive energy. His wings are large even for a hippogriff his age, he can even sleep while flying since he doesn’t need to flap as much. He likes to explore for seashells and search and save sea life. Basically, if Steve Irwin was a marine biologist. When Terramar is on the surface with scoots Wave would steal his necklace to go under the ocean and explore the sea bed little mermaid style. Despite loving the ocean, the deep deep waters are a no-zone its the stuff of nightmares. Which is why he doesn’t want to go Seaquestria.
It's not much, but thats all I thought for now.