Original Description:
NAME: Lavander Gleam
PARENTS: Rarity and Fluttershy
PERSONALITY: Lavender is shy just like his mother Fluttershy especially when talking to new ponies but gets excited when its about fashion and new clothing like his mother Rarity. Since little Rarity used to take Lavander to canterlot to show him fashion clothing and brought him to fashion shows, as well showed him how to make his own clothing. He does like animals but is too afraid of dangerous and/or big animals like snakes, crocodiles and bears. He loves cats but sadly is allergic to them so for now he only owns a female canary named Flum.
So yeah, this Lavander. I can decided to do MLP, I started with two of my favorite ponies for now, I that for some he might look a bit feminist because of the hairstyle I think I guess when you have a mother whos all about fashion she would want you to be fabulous as possible. BTW sadly I'm not making one of those next gen mlp this are just ships, which means that one of the characters might be in more then one ship. So yeah again and thank you, bye for now ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
(Yes I know I spelled 'Lavander' and not 'Lavender" I thought I would be nice to spelled it a bit different)