Twilight had gained some magic for Luna, and thus was being trained on how to raise the moon. Twilight had been learning how to use both Celestia and Lunas powers.
Luna had always wanted to feel like her lessons were taken to heart, and with twilight it was like that times ten. Twilight was eager to learn everything she had to offer.
Twilight never really paid much thought to the idea of being under Luna’s wing one day. After all, she had been Celestia;s student for so long. With Celestia’s retirement she left behind all royal duties on her part. Only seeking to live life to her fullest. She would still write to twilight but was now more busy with her family life.
Luna had to adapt to her sister being gone, no more talks in the castle. No more night watches and of course, no more looking at her silly pancakes. (those pancakes really did make her morning)
Twilight flew softly behind Luna, her mind deep within thought.
“Do you ever worry about the future of Equestria?” Twilight looked down, watching as they passed rivers and small homes.
They had already dealt with a great deal of bad guys, who was to say that there wouldn’t be more?
“No. With you here I’ve got no worry for what will happen. I know you and your friends got this.”
Twilight looked back up to the moon and the stars as a small bit of relief washed over her.
“But what if…”
Luna slowed her pace turning to look at Twilight.
“You have a wonderful school of friendship, and many students who will carry on what you and your friends have done. They will the the bridges for the future and they will carry on what you guys did. There’s no need to worry about that.”
Twilight gave a soft smile, her ears perking up as Luna picked up speed once again as she called out.
“Come on now, I’ve got a spot I’d like to show you.”
It’s not everyday you get to see the one and only Luna, some ponies have taken it upon themselves to create a little Luna fan club. Lunas truly loves this.