Twintails: “There we go, all four Condensers online at full and… huh? No production? But… wait… Chamber Beam active? But- Shit, Octavia, don’t-!… Sorry.” Octavia: “…not the first time I’ve been puffed up there, but it being from a beam is new, I admit.”
Heading to the primary control room to get the Synchro-Cyclotronic Condensers fired up for a production run, Twintails busied himself with the consoles while Octavia took to some wandering. One passage through a short hallway and into an adjacent room had her rather unfortunately ending up in the test chamber, and with someone having left the Condenser beams diverted into the bombardment beam nozzle rather than the production decelerator, and Octavia not minding the warning stripes on the floor, well…
Honestly, such shenanigans were just an inevitability, anyways.