Pumpkin Carving is an earth pony(?) of unknown origin, who has always had a special connection to the fall harvest and to pumpkins especially. She isn’t really sure where she comes from or how she came to be, nor does she know why pumpkin vines grow in her hair or why her eyes seem to glow from within. All she remembers is waking up one crisp autumn morning, surrounded by the pumpkins in the field she’s tended to since. Every year she puts together a grand Nightmare Night pumpkin patch, filled with intricately carved jack-o-lanterns. She’s an incredibly sweet pony and a pillar in her community- though she also has a lesser-known ruthless side. On the rare occasion some prankster comes to smash up her pumpkins, she waits for them in the field, jumping at her chance to defend her harvest. It’s almost as if the pumpkins…talk to her, telling her where her intruders are hiding….