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Original Description:
Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst had finally met up with Princess Twilight back in Canterlot, as the trio had now entered the library’s restricted section, which the princess herself was finally becoming more familiar with. While Twilight was searching around for the book described by Celestia, the two unicorns were admittedly curious on what this new supposed threat was, and if it had any connection to someone they’ve met or encountered recently. A fire alicorn was completely new to any of their understandings, even with the trio’s extensive knowledge from studying magic over the years. Whoever this fire alicorn in question was, it became apparent to Twilight that time was becoming even tighter than before, especially with Chestnut Magnifico still on the loose.
“You know something, Twilight?” Starlight spoke up. “I’m almost having a suspicion that whoever this fire alicorn is, what if they’re responsible for that ruined future that I nearly caused that one time? As far as I’m aware, aside from Chestnut Magnifico, this fire alicorn’s the only new threat we’ll be dealing with, and them bringing ruin to Equestria doesn’t sound out of the question.”
“I’ve considered that, actually.” Twilight replied. “But we need to keep an open mind, there could be any number of explanations. The future is always in motion, and we can’t assume we know all the variables at play. The best we can really do is find that book, learn of any potential weaknesses, and hold another meeting with the rest of the council.”
“We should inform Sunset as well, especially once she returns from Hope Hollow with our students.” Sunburst reminded. “Is she… technically part of the council now, too?”
“Ever since she’s officially met everypony at Twilight’s coronation, I’d say so.” Starlight nodded. “As far as I’m aware, she’s the only pony we know of, who’s vastly experienced with the Human World, and has any understanding of any interdimensional threats. Besides, she’s always been like a protective big sister, and makes certain to follow through on her commitments, so it sounds reasonable to let her in on this potential threat, as well.”
“Aha, I’ve found the book!” Twilight pulled the dusty old book from the shelf. “Celestia specifically pointed me to this, ‘Forbidden Equestrian Evolutions’, which has a section that explains the lore behind fire alicorns. We’ll have to study this for a bit, then meet back with the council about our findings, should any of them somehow encounter this new threat. Already three different threats on the loose somewhere in Equestria, that’s quite the workload for my first week as the princess of all of Equestria.”
“Three new threats?” Sunburst raised an eyebrow. “If my math skills from school were anything to go by, we only have to worry about Chestnut Magnifico and this fire alicorn. That’s only two threats, Twilight.”
“Well unfortunately, this other threat entails a type of mysterious beetle that devours ponies, known as Stagma Beetles.” Twilight explained. “I was told that a whole swarm of them had somehow emerged out of nowhere, despite already being documented as extinct for hundreds of years. For all we know, they could already be causing havoc out there somewhere, and we’re not around to stop them, which is also easier said than done.”
“They could be anywhere out there in Equestria?” Starlight’s eyes widened. “Well, let’s certainly hope that Sunset and the students haven’t somehow ran into those bugs in the middle of their field trip. I remember reading about those myself, and almost wondered if they were a myth. Stagma Beetles have always sounded way too nightmarish to really exist, considering what they’re actually capable of.”
“We can only hope nopony’s actually encountered them, they’ve been documented to be real and a very dangerous threat.” Twilight responded. “Even Shining Armor used to tease me about them, claiming that if I got out of bed and wandered the halls late at night, I’d run into a quesadilla filled with Stagma Beetles.”
“That’s certainly a thought to unravel…” Starlight said, unsure of how she’d picture such a scenario. “Alright, so we’ll take this book back to the School of Friendship, and with the council’s combined knowledge, we might be able to piece together more about this fire alicorn. Don’t forget that to let Sunset in on this as well, she’s been through enough interdimensional shenanigans to know how serious this could be.”
“Sounds good, but we’ll need to move quickly.” Twilight nodded. “We can’t let fear of the unknown hold us back from protecting Equestria, let’s go.”
“Hang on a second, Twilight.” Sunburst paused for a moment. “I know this is Starlight and I’s first time down here in the restricted section, but you mentioned you’ve been here before, and it’s only one floor?”
“As far as I’m aware.” Twilight replied. “This section of the library is quite extensive, but it’s only one floor. The main reason I even know of this place’s existence is because of Sunset, and I actually helped her learn more about this memory erasing artifact. Either way, I’d say it’s always more about the depth and breadth of knowledge contained within these walls, rather than the physical space.”
“If you say so.” Sunburst acknowledged, before trotting over to the unusual hole in the floor. “But what I’m getting at is, what’s this trapdoor down here?”
The three ponies trotted over to this discovery in question, which was the same trapdoor that Human Sunset had stumbled into, and inadvertently released the Stagma Beetles that were once dormant down there. But since none of them were aware that this had happened, their immediate first thoughts revolved around, why would this trapdoor be left open, and what could’ve possibly even been down there?”
“Huh, that’s pretty strange.” Twilight looked down at the opened trapdoor and staircase leading down. “I’ve never seen that before, and considering how I’ve been down here several times already, I’m certainly surprised that this completely slipped my attention. Ever since Celestia’s shown me the restricted section, I have taken the liberty of getting familiar with the entire layout of this secluded area, but I’ve never found even the slightest hint of there being another room down there.”
“Do you think we should go down there, in case there’s something important we might find?” Starlight suggested. “Twilight, you even mentioned that there was supposedly a Sunset imposter down here, is it entirely possible that this is where she went?”
“I suppose it’s worth looking into, but the problem is, I’m worried that time’s running out.” Twilight sighed. “Celestia mentioned that this book may be our only chance at learning of this fire alicorn’s weaknesses, and considering how we’re all fully responsible for activating the Dragonstone, we must find a solution, fast. After we meet with the rest of the council, and warn them about this fire alicorn, I suppose I can come back here myself, just to check if there’s anything crucial to find down there. Besides, even if whoever went down there was trying to steal something, I highly doubt they’d leave some incriminating evidence that would point us to them.”
“You’re probably right.” Sunburst conceded. “I know I’d love to get to the bottom of this mystery, but the safety of Equestria is at stake, and we can’t let curiosity lead us away from our primary mission.”
“That’s right, Sunburst.” Twilight said, her horn glowing slightly as she levitated the book. “There’s so much knowledge here that could help us understand the mysteries of Equestria, but we’ll have to save that for another time. The sooner we know what we’re up against, the better prepared we’ll be.”
As the trio ran out of the restricted section, they were completely unaware of some rather crucial information. The trapdoor had led down to a room that not only housed the Stagma Beetles, which were now no longer a threat, but the elusive shrine built by Clover the Clever. Not only that, but Clover’s horrific documentation of the consequences surrounding staying in the Human World, which were still sitting at the very bottom of the stone room. Coupled with the fact that the magical mirror leading back into the Human World no longer had the old journal keeping the portal open indefinitely, potentially trapping anyone inside for an indefinite period.
Considering how Sunset had already contemplated her stay in Equestria most likely coming to a near end, and would be returning to the Human World very soon, a recipe for disaster was already brewing. This lack of knowledge on critical events would most likely leave Sunset for quite the unpleasant surprise, even if she was already looking forward to her graduation at CHS. However, it was still very much a mystery regarding Chestnut Magnifico’s whereabouts, and her connection to Sunset’s biological father, Sunspot. Without a doubt, it would only be an incredibly shocking revelation for Sunset, and even more bewildering, once she learned of everything that her human counterpart had been up to lately…
By this point, the Endtrak Express, while heavily damaged by the attack of the Stagma Beetles, still remained functional, mostly thanks to Torque Wrench’s expertise on mechanical work. The once luxurious train was now back on track to reach Hope Hollow, and would actually be arriving sooner than expected. Everything seemed to be in order, especially with a huge bug extermination, and Sour Sweet becoming much kinder around her peers, after being psychologically understood for the first time in her life. Despite this, Sunset still couldn’t help but ponder what exactly Indigo Zap’s motives were, and if she managed to find a way to escape from Bridlewood Station.
The dastardly pegasus had proven to be tenacious, from vandalizing a hot air balloon, to impersonating Rainbow Dash, to even attempted theft and vandalism aboard a train. Although Sunset had made emotional connections with ponies like Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Wallflower Blush, and now Sour Sweet, she admittedly wasn’t so sure if she could do the same with Indigo, especially with how much trouble she’s caused throughout this entire journey. Regardless of why Indigo was doing all this, and no recent signs of Chestnut Magnifico, Sunset instead decided to focus on her duties as the field trip chaperone, while also continuing to enjoy seeing more of Equestria.
As a way of filling their remaining time on the Endtrak Express, Sunset decided to share several stories about her past here in Equestria, including the story she had heard recently from Celestia, regarding her Señor G. Echo plush, which had almost been swindled away by the Flim Flam brothers. It seemed incredibly cathartic to hear how Sunset and her adoptive mother had actually turned the tables on a pair of con artists, even if this hadn’t ended their history of being swindlers. Despite the brothers participating in the final showdown against Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, no one had really seen them since then, and it was unclear if they had turned a new leaf, or were laying low.
“Wow Sunset, sounds like you’ve had so many adventures in Canterlot.” Sandbar admired Sunset’s story. “Glad to hear those con artists got exactly what was coming to them.”
“It’s like you’re a real-life hero from a book or something, just like that leopard gecko character, even if I’ve never heard of that puppet show series.” Ocellus added.
“You know, Chaperone?” Smolder spoke up. “I’ve always admired the way you stand up for what’s right, even when things get tough, it’s really inspiring.”
“Yes, inspiring and thrilling!” Yona said with glee. “Yona hopes that one day, she can be as brave and clever as you are, Miss Sunset!”
“I’m sure you will be, Yona.” Sunset encouraged. “It’s not always easy, but knowing that you all look up to me like that, it sure does remind me of how far I’ve come, since I was Celestia’s pupil.”
“That’s actually what stood out to me the most, you were once Princess Celestia’s best student?” Silverstream acknowledged. “So you’re not just Twilight’s friend from Canterlot, like you told us earlier, you’re actually somepony pretty special!”
“Better yet, you really know how to make learning on a field trip an absolute treat.” Gallus added. “What do you know? A chaperone who knows exactly what we students want, especially when any education system almost feels like it was intentionally designed like garbage.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that’s the case anymore.” Sandbar replied. “It was only when Princess Twilight strictly followed a bunch of arbitrary regulations, which took away our fun and motivation.”
“Tell me about it.” Smolder groaned upon being reminded of this. “I’m surprised that we were the only students to ditch class like that, but it’s a good thing Princess Twilight actually acknowledged and fixed her mistakes. There’s nothing more frustrating than someone who won’t take the time of day to actually listen to your feedback.”
“I’ll say.” Sour Sweet chimed in. “When I was one of Canterlot’s best royal guards, I never really felt like I had a voice, and that the expectation was to be the best, even if it meant stepping on others to get your way. Not with Sunset, however. She’s honestly the first pony I’ve met who’s been able to resonate with my resentment towards Celestia, and saw the good in me, even when I couldn’t, myself. That really takes courage and character, which I can now see is what being a royal guard always stood for.”
“Well Sour Sweet, I’m just happy that I could help you find your true colors again.” Sunset smiled, putting a hoof on the pegasus. All it takes is somepony to believe in you, which Twilight once did for me, and I’m sure she’ll be more than willing to do the same with you, once this field trip is over. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, since we haven’t actually enjoyed our time in Hope Hollow just yet.”
Just as Sunset said this, the Endtrak Express’s conductor began to announce a message over the intercom.
“Attention, passengers.” The conductor began. “We have finally arrived at Hope Hollow, please be sure to exit on your right, and thank you for choosing to visit this lovely town.”
As the Endtrak Express came to a complete stop, every passenger aboard the train did as they were instructed, before getting a view of the lovely town that stood before them. The once soulless and drab area was now filled to the brim with life and color, befitting a town that labeled itself as the ‘End of the Rainbow’. Sunset got off of the train, accompanied by Gallus, Smolder, and Silverstream, while Sour Sweet exited another way with the remaining students. Sunset and the three students gazed in awe at the admirable town’s foliage, alongside the beautiful and majestic stone fountains.
“Quite a sight to behold, huh Starlight?” Sunny Skies trotted by. “Yep, I can certainly say that Princess Twilight and her friends did wonders for our little community. If it weren’t from them, we’d all look like we belong in a coloring book, except with nopony to color us in!”
“It truly is amazing what a little magic and friendship can do, Mayor.” Sunset said, her voice filled with warmth. “Let’s get the students organized and start our tour, shall we? Our plan consisted of looking around Hope Hollow, but also checking out Slice-N-Shake, the pizzeria arcade.”
“We’re particularly looking forward to the arcade, that’s for sure!” Silverstream acknowledged. “I’ve never actually played an arcade game before, but first time for everything, right?”
“I’m also looking forward to the good food they’ve got there.” Smolder added. “Pizza admittedly sounds like a nice substitute from gemstones, even if I’ve gotten more used to non-dragon food.”
“I certainly want to see if I can crush Sandbar’s high score on Pac-Mare!” Gallus proposed. “I can’t believe he was lucky enough to earn only 25 points more than me, that’s a real fluke, if I’ve ever seen one.”
“Sounds like you have a fine taste for classic games!” Sunny Skies tipped his hat. “Just, word of advice, if you happen to find a game that’s titled ‘Ponybius’, well… do yourself and favor and save that token for literally any other game.”
“Uhh, right then.” Sunset giggled, understanding the infamous myth the mayor was likely referring to. “We’ll keep that in mind, but I’m sure Gallus can handle anything the arcade throws at him.”
“Oh, I have no doubt about that.” The mayor chuckled. “Just remember, even the best of us have our off days, so don’t get too overconfident on winning a prize! Oh, and that reminds me, on the subject of prizes, I’ve got a little surprise waiting for you at Hotel Hope, Starlight. Feel free to explore Hope Hollow with your students as you please, but make sure to stop by so I can give you that reward I promised earlier.”
“Hotel Hope, huh?” Sunset glanced over to where the grand hotel stood, gleaming under the warm sun. “Looks like a pretty lovely place to stay, but due to time constraints, we’ll likely be on our way once we’ve gotten our full experience with Hope Hollow. Regardless, we’ll definitely make sure to drop by, Mayor, thank you again for the hospitality.”
“Well, Hospitality’s always been my middle name, especially after all the work I did to get the Endtrak Express back on track!” Sunny Skies gleamed.
“Yeah right, Sunny.” Torque Wrench trotted by, rolling her eyes. “Because handing me a screwdriver really counts for fixing the train’s most vital components. Without my expertise, we’d all still be stuck at Bridlewood Station.”
“Hey now, I had faith in your abilities!” Sunny Skies replied, somewhat embarrassed. “Besides, if it wasn’t for Starlight and her students, we’d all probably be digested by that red rhino monster by now.”
“That’s laying it on a bit thick, don’t you think?” Torque said, her voice carrying a hint of playful teasing. “But yes, thanks to our little guests and their quick thinking, we’re all here safe and sound. It’ll be some real hard work to fully patch the train back up, but it’s the least we can do, after what we just experienced. Even Mr. Ramsay mentioned that he’s never seen that many bugs in a kitchen before, in all his years of being a health inspector for restaurants and hotels.”
“Speaking of hotels, I should really head on back to Hotel Hope, since I just received the word that other guests have arrived here recently, and they’re having trouble checking in.” Petunia Petals said as she trotted by, accompanied by the Barrel twins. “Come on, Sunny, we’ve got a job to do, let’s make everyone’s visit to Hope Hollow a memorable and lively experience.”
“Ah yes, of course.” Sunny said to his wife. “The hotel’s running smoothly, but the more guests on deck, the better. Let’s go, Petunia, I’m sure our new guests will be thrilled to see a familiar face.”
“You’re all free to hang out with us residents anytime you wish, but please don’t let us interrupt you and your students’ fun.” Torque said to Sunset and the three students, as Petunia and Mayor Skies trotted away. “Take your time exploring the town, and we can catch up later, since I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me, fixing up the train’s interiors.”
“Sounds great, and good luck with that.” Sunset waved goodbye to the repair pony, as her students did the same.
“Well, that mayor guy seems nice and all, and really knows how to get us fired up for this exciting new experience!” Silverstream exclaimed.
“That’s for sure, but at the same time… is he ever going to stop calling you ‘Starlight’, Miss Sunset?” Gallus spoke up.
“Well, I suppose that a little misunderstanding from earlier has already made him adapt into the habit, but I’m sure he means well.” Sunset giggled. “Besides, I can kinda understand his confusion, since… who else can you really name, who’s a friend of Princess Twilight, specifically because she helped turn their life around for the better?”
“I guess I can see a little similarity there.” Smolder folded her arms. “Hey Gallus, since we’re both going to the arcade, how much do you want to bet that without any of us telling the mayor directly, he’ll still think Miss Sunset is our school’s headmare, even after we leave Hope Hollow?”
“I’m thinking he’ll have to learn his mistake sooner or later, but I’d rather save my winnings for a real prize!” Gallus replied. “How about… if the mayor still thinks she’s ‘Starlight’ when we’re about to leave, you can have any prize in my possession?”
“Trying to encourage a dragon’s inner greediness, huh?” Smolder smirked. “I like your game, Gallus!”
“We’re already playing games?” Silverstream asked, confused. “Wow, arcade games aren’t really what I was expecting, at all. I thought they’d be more… creative than that.”
“That wasn’t really an arcade game though, Silverstream.” Sunset tried her best to explain. “They’re a way to test your skills and reflexes, all while having a blast. Speaking of which, since you students specifically wanted to go to Slice-N-Shake first, I guess we’d better get going before all the good prizes are taken.”
“Actually, as much as I’d like that, I’ve grown to respect you and the foundations of what a field trip was always built on, Miss Sunset.” Smolder opened up.
“Second that, this is a pretty lovely town, I wouldn’t really mind checking out the more natural aspects of Hope Hollow, before I get my eyes glued to a skeeball machine.” Gallus added.
“Yeah, same!” Silverstream nodded. “So in other words, if you suggest we could do anything else before Slice-N-Shake, we’re with you all the way! Think of it as our way of honoring you as a chaperone, since you’ve very clearly done the same with us students. Not like… some of the teachers we’ve had in the past, that’s for sure.”
“Alright, I appreciate the gesture, and I can see you’re eager to explore.” Sunset smiled proudly at her students. “First, let’s check in with Sour Sweet and the rest of your friends, and see what their plan is.”
Sunset and the students went over to reunite with the other half of their entire group, noticing that they were all chatting with Kerfuffle just moments ago, before the fashion designer went about her way.
“There you are, Miss Sunset.” Sandbar turned around. “Kerfuffle there mentioned that she’s pretty knowledgeable on Hope Hollow’s history, and that she’s more than willing to give us all a little tour.”
“It’s her way of thanking us for not only finding her stolen gemstones, but of course, saving her from those Stagma Beetle things.” Ocellus added.
“Well, if she’s offering, it’d be impolite for us not to take her up on it, I’m sure she knows the town like the back of her hoof.” Sunset said. “The real question is, what did you students want to do, specifically? I know some of you were looking forward to the Slice-N-Shake arcade place, but did anyone prefer some sightseeing of Hope Hollow, first?”
“Miss Sunset, Yona would really love to start historical tour of Hope Hollow.” Yona spoke up. “Kerfuffle Pony made history sound very interesting, and also, Yona has been meaning to get to know Miss Sour Sweet better, after all we been through.”
“Maybe we can learn more about the town and each other at the same time?” Ocellus looked at Sour Sweet with a hopeful expression, her eyes wide and curious. “What do you say, Miss Sour Sweet?”
“I must admit, I’ve had quite the adventure with you all on this field trip, so I’d be happy to tag along for this little tour.” Sour Sweet said, her voice filled with a genuine warmth. “Plus, I’ve always had a fondness for history, being a former royal guard, myself. It’s like peering into a looking glass and seeing the events that shaped our world today.”
“Alright, so I guess I’ll be going with Sour Sweet, Yona, and Ocellus on this little tour, while you can take Gallus, Silverstream, and Smolder to the arcade area, Miss Sunset.” Sandbar proposed. “Does that sound like a plan?”
“That’s a wonderful idea.” Sunset nodded. “You four have fun learning the history behind Hope Hollow, but please remember, we all need to meet back at the Endtrak Express in three hours sharp, according to the train’s schedule. We wouldn’t want to miss our ride back to the School of Friendship, would we?”
“If it’ll get us out of a pop quiz we didn’t study for, I’d be down for it.” Smolder snickered.
“I get the feeling, if you’re surrounded by arcade games and pizza, I’m sure schoolwork is the furthest thing from your mind.” Sunset looked back at Smolder. “Alright, I think we’re clear on our plans for the next few hours, let’s get this rainbow roadtrip started!”
As Sour Sweet’s group went off to find Kerfuffle, hoping to begin a tour of Hope Hollow’s historical sites, Sunset and her students began walking over to Slice-N-Shake, but briefly stopped at Hotel Hope along the way. Remembering that the mayor wanted to give her some kind of reward, Sunset decided to get this taken care of, before her own group would spend a majority of their time at the arcade.
“Now before we head over to the arcade, I suppose we could check out what this hotel is like.” Sunset said to her students. “You never know, maybe one day when you’re all older, you’ll decide to take a little vacation in this wonderful town.”
As Sunset and the trio trotted into Hotel Hope, they saw that the hotel’s staff had done an excellent job in sprucing up the place, and even making the presentation feel as if they were in Canterlot. The three students were almost feeling disappointed that they weren’t going to actually stay in this luxurious resort, but were enticed to possibly return to Hope Hollow in the near future.
“Well, this place is definitely more welcoming than Bridlewood Station ever was.” Gallus commented. “Seriously, if that beat-up old train station had the same attention and care as the rest of Hope Hollow, they’d have a real gold mine in that old forest area.”
“You’re telling me!” Silverstream admired the hotel’s walls, decor, and especially the stairs. “The closest thing to a nice hotel I’ve seen in the water is an abandoned old shipwreck, and even then, I couldn’t find stairs in those! Not like here, that’s for sure!”
“I can see you’re all enjoying yourselves here at Hotel Hope, and I couldn’t be more proud of the hard work that’s went into this place.” Petunia said from the front desk. “We really should thank Mr. Ramsay, however, since a majority of these interior design changes were suggested by him. The stallion has a real knack for knowing just what a hotel needs, with his many years of experience.”
“Considering how Mr. Ramsay used to work in Canterlot, I’d say his influence has always made an impact.” Sunset reflected on her old life in the aforementioned city above the mountains. “Anyways, Petunia? I was about to take my students to Slice-N-Shake, but before I do so, Sunny Skies mentioned that he wanted to see me personally and give me some kind of reward?”
“Oh, why yes, my husband’s got something special waiting for you, he’s quite the generous host, isn’t he?” Petunia winked, her mane fluttering slightly as she gestured to the grand staircase leading up to the second floor. “He’s upstairs in the VIP suite, getting ready for the grand tour with our newest guests. Oh, and just so you know, I’ve had my chefs here whip up several dozen complimentary cookies for our visitors in the guest room, as a token of gratitude for them choosing to visit our wonderful town and community.”
The group looked over to the room Petunia was pointing at, immediately noticing the scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies wafting through the air, making the students’ mouths water.
“Pizza, arcade games, AND free cookies!?” Smolder’s eyes widened. “I don’t want today to ever end!”
“It’s a good thing Yona didn’t join us just yet, you know how much of an appetite she has for chocolate chip.” Gallus nodded. “Be sure to control yourself, Smolder. We don’t want your natural dragon greed to get the better of you.”
“Relax, we all remember that lecture from Professor Rarity’s generosity class, don’t we?” Silverstream recalled. “Then again, being generous to yourself isn’t always a bad thing.”
“Just like having dessert before dinner, but I sometimes do it, just to try new things.” Sunset winked. “Alright students, help yourselves to those cookies, I’m going to go upstairs and talk with the mayor. Please be sure to remain in either the guest room or the front lobby when I get back, and then we’ll head to Slice-N-Shake. Can I trust you three to not wander off?”
“You bet, Miss Sunset!” Silverstream nodded. “We wouldn’t go anywhere without your approval, especially with that wonderful chocolate chip scent.”
Gallus and Smolder also made gestures of approval, prompting Sunset to go upstairs and have a chat with Sunny Skies. The three students then wasted no time stuffing their mouths with cookies, enjoying every morsel, and feeling as if the chefs knew exactly how to make every bite feel like a delightful surprise.
“How about that, our chaperone’s actually letting us have some time to ourselves, rather than constantly keeping tabs on us.” Gallus noted.
“Makes sense, she knows we’re not children anymore, and treats us as if we’re on the same level as her.” Smolder folded her arms with dignity. “I swear, we’ll never get a cooler chaperone than her ever again, so let’s be sure to not let her down.”
As Sunset ascended the grand staircase of Hotel Hope with a gentle grace, her curiosity piqued at what specifically Mayor Sunny Skies wanted to reward her with. She approached the VIP suite, her hooves clicking against the polished wooden floor, before she knocked on the door. Upon opening, she was met with Mayor Skies, accompanied by the Barrel twins, who were playing around with a miniature trainset. It made sense as to why the foals were around here, given how she was told that the mayor and his wife were looking after the pegasai foals.
“Good to see you again, Mayor.” Sunset said to Sunny Skies. “I was stopping by to see you about that reward you mentioned, but I can see you’re pretty busy at the moment? Perhaps I should come back a little later?”
“Ah, no no, please come in, Starlight!” The mayor insisted, as he pointed to the twins, who were now making the miniature train cars crash into each other with giggles. “These two are just fine on their own for a bit, they’re having fun with this trainset I bought from the gift shop, modeled after the Endtrak Express itself. But yes, I certainly wanted to thank you for all your help. Your bravery and resourcefulness have truly been a saving grace for our little train ride earlier, and we’re all so grateful.”
“Ain’t that the truth!” Pickle Barrel agreed. “We’ve idolized the Wonderbolts and THE Rainbow Dash for so long, thinking about all kinds of thrilling stunts we could try as we get older, but we’ve never been in any real danger like that before. It’s a good thing you were around when we were in such a predicament.”
“We should really think about starting a fan club for you, so we can remember this for the rest of our lives!” Barley Barrel added. “You really are the type of real-life superhero that Señor G. Echo always was!”
“Well, I’m not sure about that, but I’m just happy we could all make it here in one piece.” Sunset couldn’t help but laugh at the twins’ enthusiasm, her heart swelling with pride. “I’m about to get a reward from the mayor, so I feel like I already have more than enough, but I appreciate the idea.”
“Hmm, speaking of rewards, Sis?” Pickle Barrel said to his sister. “Didn’t mom and dad order a little something special for you, as a reward for your excellent report card? Isn’t that supposed to arrive at our house’s mailbox today?”
“You know about that?” Barley Barrel’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’ve been so looking forward to it, I’ve never gotten an official piece of merchandise for it before, but I think that’s going to change today! I can’t wait until we get home later, this is going to be so worth it, even if it costed me nearly six whole months’ worth of allowances!”
“Well, sounds like these two have something else to look forward to later, let’s just hope Petunia and I will be great parents ourselves, one day.” Sunny Skies looked over to the twins. “Anyways, Starlight? This won’t take long, the reward I wanted to give you is this.”
The mayor pulled out what looked like a beautifully crafted jewelry box from his drawer, and handed it to Sunset, before explaining the history behind it.
“This trinket was given to me by my Grandpa Skies, and he’s had a pretty long history with it.” The mayor explained. “My grandfather, the founder of Bridlewood Station, always had a knack for appreciating the various crystals found in the forest’s mines, that he kept one for himself. One day, he faced a creature much like the one we encountered atop the Endtrak Express, except it was a vicious Cragadile, which somehow made it into the station. Trying to flee for his life, he was eventually cornered by that beast, and out of desperation, he threw this jewelry box as a distraction. The Cragadile got fixated on the shiny object inside, which gave Grandpa Skies just enough time to escape and defeat it with his trusty shovel.”
“Wow, that’s an incredible story, and I’m truly honored to accept such a precious gift.” Sunset said, as she took in the mayor’s story. “But… are you sure your grandpa would want you to give it to some mare you just met?”
“My Grandpa Skies always said that selflessness is the most precious jewel of all, and I can see that same spark in your eyes, Starlight.” Sunny Skies replied. “This was always a crystal that held the essence of Bridlewood’s beauty, and now that it’s in your possession, it’s a symbol of our friendship and the brave heart you’ve shown to us all. Besides, it’s not every day we get to host a hero like yourself. He said it was his good luck charm, and that I should pass it down to any hero who saved my life. I likely wouldn’t even be here right now if it wasn’t for you, so I figured, who better to pass it on to, than somepony who’s proven themselves to be as brave and noble as yourself?”
Opening the box, Sunset gazed upon the crystal inside. It was a deep shade of sapphire, almost like the night sky, with a gold pedestal keeping it up, reminiscent of the stars. It was breathtaking, and she couldn’t believe that she had earned something so elegant and meaningful.
“Thank you Mayor, I truly am honored by your gesture.” Sunset held the crystal in her hooves. “This means more to me than you know, I’ll be sure to treasure it, and I promise to always pass on the spirit of bravery and friendship it represents.”
“I know you will, Starlight.” The mayor winked. “Now that this passing of the noble Bridlewood crystal has been done, please be sure to enjoy Hope Hollow to your heart’s content!”
“I’m sure there’s still plenty of things we can do to savor each moment we spend here, my students have already found all sorts of things to entertain themselves.” Sunset said. “I should get back to them, they’re likely eager to start their own adventures in this town, especially at the Slice-N-Shake arcade. We really wish we could take a stay longer here by getting a hotel room, but unfortunately, due to some circumstances out there in Equestria, we can’t really stay for long, let’s just say.”
“Well in that case, it’s a real shame that the Endtrak Express has to keep its tight schedule for the sake of maintenance, so you’ll only have less than three hours before the train departs.” Sunny Skies sighed. “We would’ve certainly made it to Hope Hollow a lot earlier, had it not been for that swarm of bugs along the way. It sounds like you have a long road ahead of you, Starlight, so whatever endeavors you still have on your mind, never give up!”
“It’s been a… journey, to say the least, but I’ve learned so much from the friends I’ve made along the way.” Sunset nodded. “Hopefully we’ll see each other again soon in the near future!”
Sunset stepped out of the VIP suite, her eyes shimmering with the light of the sapphire crystal she held in her hooves. The mayor’s story had left a profound impact on her, filling her with a proud sense of satisfaction. As she descended the grand staircase, the sweet aroma of chocolate chips grew stronger as she approached the guest room, where she found Gallus, Silverstream, and Smolder still indulging the complimentary cookies. They looked up, noticing the jewelry box in her grasp, their curiosity piqued.
“Ooh, that’s a pretty crystal you’ve got there, Miss Sunset!” Silverstream exclaimed. “It reminds me of how beautiful Queen Novo’s pearl is!”
“You might want to hide it from Smolder, who knows if she’ll be tempted to eat it.” Gallus teased.
“Very funny, Gallus, but even I know not to mix food with friendship!” Smolder smirked, swiping a crumb off her chin. “What’s the deal with the fancy crystal?”
“It’s not just a crystal, it’s a piece of Bridlewood history, actually.” Sunset explained, before putting the jewelry box into her saddlebag. “Mayor Sunny Skies gave it to me as a reward for saving him and the other residents, it’s quite beautiful, isn’t it? But as a reminder, since this is only a field trip, and we must leave before the Endtrak Express takes off, we’ve got less than three hours to truly enjoy Hope Hollow. If you’ve had enough cookies, shall we go check out Slice-N-Shake?”
The three students looked at each other with excitement, their eyes gleaming with the prospect of adventure and arcade games. They couldn’t help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Miss Sunset, who had proven to be not only a skilled leader, but also a respectable chaperone. The lobby of Hotel Hope was a warm and inviting space, with the scent of the cookies lingering in the air like a sweet promise of more good times to come. Before Sunset and her students left the lobby, they were stopped by the hotel’s manager, who wanted to make an offer, whilst she was helping to check in some other guests.
“Excuse me, before you all leave?” Petunia Petals spoke up. “I don’t mean to intrude, but I couldn’t help but overhear how you and your students will already be leaving in a few hours. There’s some spare rooms available here in Hotel Hope, and I’d be more than willing to comp you all a room, especially for your heroics.”
“Thank you so much for the generous offer, Petunia, but I think we’ve already got a full schedule ahead of us.” Sunset went back over to the front desk. “See, it’s not that we can’t afford a room, it’s just that we really can’t stay for long, especially since we can’t miss our ride back on the Endtrak Express.”
“I really wish everything could be just as simple for me and my little sister here.” The mare across the front desk sighed, before turning to Petunia. “Please, ma’am. I know for a fact that I booked a reservation here, and the name should be under ‘Sunflower’.”
“Sunflower, you say?” Petunia’s eyes darted over the ledger in front of her, her pen tapping the paper in a quick, rhythmic pattern as she scanned through the list, but she couldn’t locate the name. “I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t seem to find a reservation under that name at all, perhaps there’s been a mistake?”
“But I’m positive I booked it!” The mare insisted. “I’ve been looking forward to this trip for months, and we don’t have any bits to pay upfront for a room now, since we need our money for food and other necessities! How come you can’t find my name in your reservations!?”
“I’m so sorry, but without a confirmation number, there’s really nothing I can do.” Petunia shrugged. “Our records are quite extensive, but I assure you, if there was a mistake, we’ll make it right.”
“I… don’t remember the confirmation number!” The mare realized her massive blunder. “If we can’t get a room today, my sister and I are going to have no choice but to go back home! And we’ve already come such a long way from Manehattan!”
Sunset couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the distressed mare next to her, who also had a little filly with her. She had seen so much hardship on her own journey, that she recognized the signs of somepony who had hit a wall, and knew something had to be done. With the jovial atmosphere of Hotel Hope suddenly tinged with a sense of urgency, Sunset stepped in, hoping to ease the tension.
“Petunia, I understand that my students and I can’t stay, but since you offered to give me a free room, perhaps you could give it to these two, instead?” Sunset proposed. “If my group’s not going to use it, we might as well not let the room go to waste.”
“But I mean, we can’t just give away hotel rooms like they’re…” Petunia began, but realized that since this was only one room, and she did promise to give Sunset a comp for a room regardless, it wasn’t actually a big deal. “Well, alright, I suppose we could make an exception this one time, but only if you’re absolutely sure.”
“It’s alright, Petunia.” Sunset assured with a gentle smile. “This isn’t about me and my students getting a free room, it’s about extending kindness to somepony else who truly needs it. Please, give our room comp to this mare and her sister, it’s really no trouble.”
“Well, if you insist, it’s not every day we get such a selfless hero among us, of course we can make that exception.” Petunia smiled, as she booked the one available room on her document, and turned to the mare. “Ma’am, it seems like today is your lucky day, you and your sister are now welcome to stay in the complimentary room upstairs.”
“Oh my, thank you so much!” The filly hopped up and down in joy, as she looked at Sunset with tears in her eyes. “You have no idea how much this means to us! Thank you, thank you!”
“You’re too kind, Miss!” The mare said, her voice quivering. “We’ve had some rough events happen recently in the family, and this… this is just the miracle we needed. Please, what’s your name?”



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