Gilda x Maud: they met when Pinkie invited Gilda to a baking contest. Gilda had been practicing and was too nervous to go alone so Pinkie told her to go with her sister, who was also in town at the time. Imagine Gilda’s surprise when she met stone faced Maud and found out she was related to the sugar-for-blood Pinkie Pie. Maud acted as her metaphorical rock, keeping her motivated when she felt like giving up on the baking contest. While Gilda lost to some other pony, she never stopped talking to Maud. Maud enjoyed spending time with Gilda, mostly cause she liked how Gilda tried to hide her feelings. It was amusing to her.
Kevin x Scootaloo: After Cranky and Matilda’s wedding, Kevin lived on the outskirts of Ponyville, feeding when he could and basically staying out of sight. He met Scootaloo when she was riding around and crashed into him, breaking a leg. She cared for him, choosing to let him rest at the CMC club house. Applebloom felt some kind of way about it but Sweetie Belle was cool about it. They even considered trying to get a cutiemark for him. Kevin didn’t care too much about it as long as he could feed, which he found to be much easier with the three foals. When he recovered, he continued to spend time with Scootaloo, expressing interest in ponies and her. Scoots agreed to teach him the way of ponies.
Note: Kevin is a mute. He can speak telepathically with other changelings but it doesn’t work with ponies, hence why he has trouble communicating. For some reason, Scoots has little problem reading him.
Trixie x Bulk Biceps: This ship was born from Legend of Everfree. I saw the two in a single frame together and thought it’d be cute. All bottled up just added fuel for me. Since Trixie is a frequent customer at the Spa where Bulk works, I figured they would bump into each other a lot. I like to think that Bulk is a fan of hers and invited her to the spa as a friendly invitation, her first since returning to Ponyville. She grew to have a crush on the stallion and tried to hide it until Starlight convinced her to ask the guy out. When that failed (Trixie ran away), Starlight pushed Bulk to ask her out, mentioning her love for sweets.
Soarin x Marble Pie: This… this was born from a picture idea I wanted to draw. I wanted to draw a pic of these two watching a hardcore horror film where Soarin in hiding behind Marble while she watches the gore unperturbed. For some reason, I like the thought of a shy character being into horror. It’s interesting, right? Anyway, I don’t know yet how they met but they end up together.
Prince Blueblood x Flash Sentry: Uh, this is a bit of a story… Basically, in my verse Prince Blueblood is a ‘closeted’ gay who tries to hide his interest despite the fact literally everyone knows already. He has short ‘affairs’ with the castle guards cause they don’t gossip to anyone but each other. BB gets caught by Flash who offers to be a lookout in exchange for BB being his tour guide in Canterlot whenever asked. He agrees and hangs out with him. Flash comes to like to spoiled yet innocently ignorant prince. Blueblood falls for the goofy yet cool Crystal guard, though he has no clue why Flash bothers hanging out with him. No one likes him.
Saffron Masala x Limestone: Uh… I actually don’t know. I think I just wanted to ship her with a pie? I do know that Lime loves Saffrons cooking despite her being all tsundere about it.
Gloriosa Daisy x Filthy Rich: Another ship born of Legend of Everfree. Rather than being antagonistic, Gloriosa actually likes Rich. After Filthy divorced Spoiled, he got custody of Diamond but she didn’t take the split up well. Her anger issues , fueled by the stress of the divorce, resulted in her getting arrested and charged with community service. She was sent to Camp Neverbound to act as a counselor. Despite not needing to, Filthy came to check up on her as often as he could (about weekly) and talked with Gloriosa, who was impressed. She was used to parents just dropping their kids off and not coming back until the end of the term. Gloriosa would tease the older stallion, confusing him with her interest.
Note: Gloriosa is supposed to be a deer but I don’t know how to draw a deer so… meh. I like the notion that rather than being a pony, Gloriosa and Timber would be deer rather than ponies. As for their relationship, I like the thought of a older guy being wooed by a younger girl. While Gloriosa isn’t super young, she is much younger than Filthy. Diamond encourages her dad to go for it, since she’s never seen him particularly happy with her mother yet he’s all smiles with Gloriosa.
Discord x Zecora: With my Celesticord shipping sinking, I had to get Discord with someone and while it took me a while, I finally found someone who would be good for him: Zecora. Why? She’s a wise older mare with the strength of character to cut through his bull yet the heart to understand him in ways others might. They met in the Everfree when Discord was super upset about his unrequited feelings for Celestia. Zecora listened to him lie, called him out on it and told him she would be willing to listen to whatever it was that was really bothering him. He opened up to her and quickly became friends. After Celestia’s death, he took comfort in her company though ran away when he laid an egg.
Note: This is actually my second fave ship in my verse for some reason. I love them together.
Fluttershy x Iron Will x King Sombra: I… I have no clue how this was born but it is my favorite ship in my verse. I really want to write a story about this ship. Unlike her friends, Fluttershy has two husbands. Her first husband is Iron Will, who kept returning to Ponyville to make her feel satisfied. He might not have gotten her to accept his way of being assertive but she was satisfied by his company and companionship. They got married and raised their first child, Ash, whom they had found on their doorstep months before. After that, their first child together was born. Her name was Sea Holly and she was very clingy toward her big brother. Ash never minded, choosing to spoil the filly rotten. After that, Iron went on a business trip and discovered a nearly dead King Sombra hiding in the frozen north. Not knowing who he was or why his horn was broken, Iron brought him home. Fluttershy was scared at first, remembering how this stallion had tried to destroy them but she also knew he was hurt and needed help. Warily, Fluttershy treated him while Iron acted as her body guard. Eventually, they all grow to love each other and get married.
Note: I freaking love this ship!!! I wanna write a story about them….