Fed up for some ponies, including their big sisters, saying they’re too small to some things, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo decided to prove them all wrong. They make a magic potion (Only this time, isn’t a potion!) and plan on making themselves grow-ups. However, it backfires when they accidentally bring a pony from long ago back from the dead, Snowdrop! The CMC befriend the blind filly and go on many adventures, which makes their big sisters feel left out and sad. All the while, Snowdrop learns how much has changed after she was gone. And it isn’t long before she is reunited with a certain princess of night who takes her in as her own child!
Scootaloo is adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original family pass away.
Applejack and Pinkie are NOT cousins and Big Mac is married to Marble.
Bright Mac and Pear Butter are alive.
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts, Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) are not canon.
If anyone wishes to do a fanfic on this, by all means, go ahead! ^^