Here is the ultimate change that I am making to the Gamiverse: Silent Spectacle is the child of Sunburst and Twilight, and Pop Quiz (Dr. Hooves) is no longer Twilight’s husband. Sunburst and Twilight are queer-platonic partners who are raising Silent Spectacle together. Twilight is bi on the ace spectrum and Sunburst is a gay transman. They aren’t dating, but they do have a very close bond that others find difficult to understand.
It all makes sense. When I thought of this, a part of me was enlightened, overjoyed.
You see, I felt like Sunburst should have a bigger role besides what I had delegated to him. Before this change, he ran off into the desert because he was ashamed of his failure at college, then gets snatched up by a hot cowboy and then happily ever after I guess? It didn’t feel right. The truth is… I just really liked the ship name SunBurn LMFAO-
And then I’ve realized I haven’t even drawn Pop Quiz (Dr. Hooves) again after that shitty doodle of him I made next to that shitty doodle of Twilight like 4 years ago. Does it really make sense to headcanon Pop Quiz into some perfect husband for Twilight when Sunburst already has all the traits/qualities that I would give Quiz to fit that role?
Also, in every post about Spectacle and Twilight, Pop Quiz is never mentioned. I don’t know if I literally forgot he existed, but the events happening should be affecting both her and the father of her child, and yet he was never important enough to include. You might even think Spectacle might have an absent father with the way I treat Pop Quiz. Some of you might not even know who her father is because I never bring him up LMAO.
Not to mention the drama this would incite. Believe it or not, I always felt Starlight didn’t have enough hate in the show nor in my universe to really justify the things she did nor the things I plan for her to do. LOL I think this would be a wonderful breaking point for her. And given the normal MLP timeline, I’m pretty sure Sunburst and Twilight might be in Celestia’s School for Gifted Foals together, just to add another element of hate LMAO.
But there are also good things that would happen as a result of Sunburst being with Twilight, like him being in a supportive friend group that he relates to (Spike, Big Mac, ect), finding purpose despite his shortcomings and mental blocks, and the same goes for Twilight as well. They could really grow together in Ponyville, if they start where the show starts.
I did some research, and in the first episode, Spike says “the princess arranged for you to stay at a library, isn’t that great?” So this implies that the library is a public library that can be visited by those in Ponyville, not really supposed to be a residential building for sleeping in like how she’s been using it. Celestia has told the owner of the library to make accommodations for her to stay there.
That librarian being Sunburst who’s been working there since he flunked out of university. SEE HOW I’M CONNECTING ALL OF THIS???
Maybe I’m crazy for making this change, but I think it tethers together the story and characters tighter and leads to more opportunities that I love looking at. Right now it’s “Twilight and Spectacle go through things” instead of “Twilight, Pop Quiz, and Spectacle go through things.” I was having trouble tying Sunburst into the story in an important way when he has SO MUCH POTENTIAL. Putting him in the desert would be too nice. Sorry mister, you are now on the front line of The Horrors, but also there’s a lot of love and happiness he gets to experience with Twilight as well!
Twilight and Sunburst’s relationship is pretty reminiscent of my relationship with my friend honestly, and I don’t see it represented very often. The whole “I want to talk to you about everything and everything at any given time and our energies match up perfectly, but I’m not codependent on you, nor am I in love with you, but you’re the only one who I’d trust to carry all my secrets and have my kid and we’d raise them and they would be so cute (wow our baby would be so cute) but also I don’t really wanna marry you (except for taxes) and I don’t mind if you date other people as long as I approve of them” type beat.
Their relationship is very strange to outsiders, especially those with more rigid views on romance vs. friendship. The two of them blur the line constantly and never introduce each other as partners or dating, but sometimes will jokingly volunteer each other up with lines like, “I think my boyfriend has a crush on you. Can you go out with him?” They talk in a way that alienates others who don’t understand their inside jokes and references. They have everything to say about everything to each other and never get bored. They have the ultimate neurodivergent brainwave soup connection.
Others don’t really get it, but they don’t have to. It’s just between them after all. When Twilight has Spectacle, everyone is shocked. “I thought he wasn’t your boyfriend!” “I knew it all along. You two are dating.” “When are you getting married?” And so on.
But it’s funny because it’s actually nobody’s business what goes on between Twilight and Sunburst, they’re happily living their best lives confidently knowing each others’ boundaries and comfortably knowing they’re seriously just really good friends who have a kid together. If others don’t believe them, then whatever.
The best most hilarious part of all this is that Silent Spectacle already looks like their kid, so she will be getting no design changes. Hooray!
I’ll be updating my TH in the coming week… and I’ll go more into their relationship and life in later posts! Tell me what you think of this possibly catastrophic change! >:3c