Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here


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Original Description:
When Giant Ponies and Creatures Attack - Episode 24 - Lyra Attacks Again! Yokohama in Jeopardy!
Summary: A giant evil Lyra Heartstrings targets the humans in Yokohama. Twilight Sparkle must stop her before her massacre gets even worse.
Somewhere, in Yokohama, a teacher was training his students at a karate school he has operated for many years. Today, he’s been teaching how to train hard when they hit and kick the punching bags he set up around the gym.
“Alright, my students! Continue kicking and punching those punching bags like you are really serious!” The teacher said, ordering his students at his karate school keep practicing hard with the punching bags.
All the students keep punching and kicking seriously and show their sensei like they mean it. Putting in effort and focusing hard was the strategy.
The teacher was smiling very happily and amazed watching his students do very great and work hard kicking and punching the bags like a master, and he believes that one day they will be just like him.
Among the students are Yuki, a 17 year-old boy and his younger sister, Himari, who is 15. They have been dreaming the day where they can practice all day with the punching bags.
“Man, this is going great and all tough for us, sister!” Yuki told his sister, who was kicking and punching the bag just as hard as him and the rest.
“I know, brother. I know.” Himari responded back, acting all tough and serious and getting ready for some more kicks against the punching bag. “You know, sensei’s gonna be surprised when he takes somewhere one day when we both meet his expectations.”
The sensei blew his whistle and ordered everyone to stop what they have been doing and call it a day, since he thinks they’ve trained good enough.
“Alright, students. You all did great. Well done.” The teacher told his students.
“Thanks, sensei. Having some practice with you sure was worth it. We all needed it so we could get stronger.” Yuki said, appreciating his teacher for helping him train so hard with the punching bags today.
“Are you gonna take us somewhere where everyone as one group can have fun together?” Himari asked her teacher.
“Hmm, I’m gonna be busy later tonight.” The teacher replied, reminding his students that he will be doing something else after leaving his karate school. “Right now, the time is 8:28 PM, and I gotta help do some chores for my family. They would like me to come back home soon.”
Just a few seconds later, the teacher and his students felt like the ground shook, which indeed it was happening. The ground shook louder when felt something was approaching nearby.
“Um, what was that?” Himari wondered what the loud sound was.
“Was it an earthquake?” Yuki asked.
“No, it wasn’t exactly that…” The teacher said, feeling that it was not an earthquake they are feeling, but rather something different, and far worse.
Himari, Yuki and everyone heard an explosion coming from outside, which eventually frightened them. The teacher walked towards the door and opened and see what the commotion was about.
“Holy smokes! There’s a giant unicorn outside!” The teacher gasped in fear, seeing that the giant unicorn pony was attacking Yokohama, and it was an evil one, too.
The giant unicorn, known as Lyra Heartstring, has fired her magic at multiple buildings and houses around the city, killing people who have been inside these buildings. She kept stomping straightforward looking for more tinies she can kill and crush.
“Another show of terror and pain coming up!” Lyra laughed evilly firing her magic, which was red. Her eyes were also red.
The teacher noticed that the giant evil Lyra Heartstrings is approaching them as she looked down at him from not far away. He began cowering and quickly ordered the students taking cover before closing the door.
“Oh, no. That door won’t save you from my wrath!” Lyra warns the people inside the karate school that nothing can save from death as her magic will strike them hard in a single blow.
“What’s wrong?” Yuki asked the teacher, seeing he is panicking.
“We have a giant pony attacking the city and she is heading her way towards this school. I need you all taking cover immediately.” The teacher told his students, as he hid them under several tables while he made sure the door was locked up.
The hoof steps coming from Lyra Heartstrings outside was nearer and closer and the people inside the karate school still heard her sounds even though they are not moving.
“This karate school will be gone forever with one shot!” Lyra said, laughing evilly again before she started activating her magic again.
Lyra Heartstrings, placing her hoof on her chest as she had her eyes closed, unleashed her magic at the karate school, which went really fast and her magic soon destroyed the building and killed everyone inside, even Yuki and Himari died from the blast.
“This is just the perfect night where I shall kill everyone across Yokohama and make the massacre even more worse!” Lyra said just as she started stomping and continue her rampage through the city, in the search for citizens she can wipe out and destroy more buildings for fun.
This giant evil unicorn, having red eyes and red magic, was just too much for everyone to handle, and she was really a threat towards everyone. She glared at every single human she looked at with hatred.
“Stop!” Someone’s voice shouted from behind.
“Huh? Who just said that?” Lyra stopped herself, wondering who just spoke.
When Lyra Heartstrings turned her whole body around, see was shocked that it was Twilight Sparkle again, someone she encountered a while back in San Francisco a while back.
Twilight Sparkle was angry when she saw all the destruction she was seeing so far and from what she can tell, it was Lyra Heartstrings who caused all the terror, and she knew the pain inside the humans residing in the city.
“Lyra! What have you done towards these people?!” Twilight Sparkle demanded an answer from Fire Flare for what she did.
Lyra Heartstrings laughed evilly as she couldn’t help herself except having the same pony standing in her way like before, and sees that the alicorn princess will never give up.
“You know what you are seeing, you foolish mortal.” Lyra responded, showing Twilight Sparkle the terror she’s been spreading throughout Yokohama, and she smirked when she finished revealing her destruction for Twilight Sparkle. “This is something I’m doing for Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, as in destroy these humans and this city!”
“I should’ve figured those two would turn you evil again and force you to do exactly as what they want.” Twilight Sparkle said with annoyance, recognizing that Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon would put another dark spell on Lyra Heartstrings and make her a villain.
“Somepony has guessed right.” Lyra giggled and always have found Twilight Sparkle as one pony who can never back down from evil giant ponies and creatures. “The day has come yet again where I must destroy all humans and wipe out humanity for good this time. Anyone who stands in my way must be eliminated.”
“I’m not letting you get away with this!” Twilight Sparkle stood in a fighting position, placing her two front hooves in the air like she is ready for an attack with the giant evil unicorn.
Lyra Heartstrings laughs and since there’s no other choice aside from dealing with Twilight Sparkle, it was another showdown between the two and just the two only.
“I will get revenge on my you, I promise you, you will pay dearly!” Lyra told Twilight Sparkle, plotting her vengeance against Twilight Sparkle following the last fight occurring in Madrid.
“Bring it!” Twilight Sparkle said with a confident smile on her face.
Activating her magic with full power, Lyra Heartstrings fired her magic at Twilight Sparkle just as the latter began flying in the air, although she missed.
“Don’t even try and escape me this time!” Lyra yelled as she continued firing her magic at the alicorn, but she quickly kept dodging them, angering her.
“You better do harder because I’m not gonna be that easy to catch!” Twilight Sparkle said.
“Oh, really? We’ll just have to fix that then.” Lyra just found herself a way on how she will catch Twilight Sparkle the right way. She used her magic and stopped Twilight Sparkle, bringing the alicorn towards her.
Seeing herself caught through the giant evil unicorn’s magic, Twilight Sparkle tried using teleportation to break herself out of Lyra’s magic, but it was not good enough as the evil unicorn’s magic prevented her from escaping.
“Come on, I just used my magic so I could try and escape with teleportation and nothing worked? What’s going on?” Twilight Sparkle looked confused on how her teleportation proved futile against Lyra’s strong magic, as her levitating the alicorn somehow disabled Twilight Sparkle from breaking free.
Lyra Heartstrings laughed, explaining on how she captured Twilight Sparkle with her magic, “You see. I caught you in a split second while you were flying in the air, and I when I did, I trapped you inside a powerful magic bubble where it can stop ponies from using teleportation and anything similar to that, too.”
“This isn’t possible…” Twilight Sparkle said, still struggling to get out of Fire Flare’s magic bubble.
“It IS possible for you, though, and this gives me the chance where I can attack while you can’t break free from my trap!” Lyra told Twilight Sparkle, allowing herself to hit the alicorn in a single blow.
Lyra Heartstrings slammed Twilight Sparkle down to the ground with her front right hoof very hard.
Nevertheless, Twilight Sparkle still got back up, standing on four hooves and if anything could stop her from winning, nothing will.
Twilight Sparkle started breathing hard, as she finds herself in a dangerous situation with Lyra. She might be damaged a little, but as the Princess of Friendship, she would still have some use left inside her heart and also her whole body.
“I’m not giving myself up until the very end…” Twilight Sparkle told Lyra Heartstrings while breathing hard like she couldn’t have any more in her.
“Gosh, you just don’t quit, do you?” Lyra asked.
“Never, because it is not about losing, it is about winning, and that’s my dream that I won’t give up on. My heart, my strength, my powers are what lead me to success.” Twilight Sparkle responded back, telling Lyra that the friendship in her doesn’t stop her from losing the battle against the evil giant ponies.
Lyra Heartstrings believes she has heard enough and that she should finish the alicorn quickly before she even gets up and fight anymore, which she finds as a waste of time.
“Die, Twilight!” Lyra unleashed a super magic beam at Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight Sparkle teleported herself fast as possible before Lyra’s magic blast could strike her in a single blow, which could have resulted in her losing the fight so easily.
“She sure can fight back against us evil giants, but let’s see how long it’ll last until I can find some sorta way where I can destroy her!” Lyra said, still hoping she can defeat Twilight Sparkle and successfully get revenge.
While Lyra Heartstrings tried keeping her cool and not get angry, she turned around and pay her attention at Twilight Sparkle.
“I gotta outsmart her before she gains the upper hoof.” Twilight Sparkle told herself, deciding when it is the right time she should use her special technique on Lyra, wishing that she sticks with it and not mess anything up.
“Watch out for this, princess!” Lyra warned Twilight Sparkle that she would unleash multiple magic beams at her. She soon started firing her magic at the alicorn.
When Twilight Sparkle saw the magic beam come right at her, she started moving left, right, up and down to avoid being hit by any of Lyra’s attacks.
Feeling somewhat amused that Twilight Sparkle can dodge all her attacks, Lyra Heartstrings unleashed more magic beams at the alicorn, yet she continues moving very fast before her magic beams could strike the alicorn princess.
“I can tell that she’s not letting me kill her.” Lyra says, getting fed up with Twilight Sparkle moving and avoiding her attacks.
“If this keeps up, she might actually win this fight and I can’t let her be the winner, no matter what happens in the end.” Twilight Sparkle finds herself in a very tricky situation unless she can strike Lyra with a single attack before finishing her off with a special move in the process.
So, in order to prove that she is actually serious, Twilight Sparkle teleported somewhere different where she can defeat Lyra Heartstrings once and all for the second time.
Lyra Heartstrings has herself stunned upon watching Twilight Sparkle disappear into another spot she can’t find her until she determine where the alicorn princess is hiding through teleportation. She looked, but saw no sign of Twilight Sparkle.
“I know you are hiding! Show yourself, Princess Twilight, now!” Lyra shouted, demanding that Twilight Sparkle pops out from somewhere where she can see her.
Twilight Sparkle appears to be nowhere noticeable, angering Lyra Heartstrings.
“You got 10 seconds and come out so we can continue the fight, or I will…” Lyra said before being interrupted when she heard Twilight’s voice from behind her.
“Looking for me? I’m right behind you!” Twilight Sparkle told Lyra, surprising her.
Lyra Heartstrings turned her head around at the alicorn princess in shock, having been fooled the whole time. “How do you always keep finding ways on winning when you pull up tricks up from your hooves?” She asked Twilight Sparkle.
“You’ll see.” Twilight Sparkle answered Lyra’s question, not even telling her what is on her mind.
Twilight Sparkle unleashed a magic beam at Lyra, and it struck Lyra Heartstrings from the back, damaging her a little.
“That sure does hurt a bit.” Lyra said, feeling herself in a little pain after Twilight Sparkle attacked her with a magic beam. “But, if you believe I’m anywhere near done with you this time, I got more tricks for you, even better ones!”
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that because I have myself prepared for the biggest special technique I have learned for a long time!” Twilight Sparkle said, flapping her wings into the air and start getting her special move ready.
Twilight Sparkle placed her front hooves above her head where she can create her big attack, where she fills her magic shaped like a round ball, and it grew bigger.
Lyra was shocked and felt unsure what Twilight Sparkle was scheming, but in the next couple seconds, she noticed that the magic above Twilight Sparkle was becoming larger and larger, and her strength was coming from the humans that Fire Flare has harmed this whole time.
“Share your energy with me…” Twilight Sparkle said, who was still seeing the humans down below her giving her all the energy they have for them to share with her.
Once everyone has released their energy and gave it to Twilight Sparkle, she felt herself at full power and her Magic Bomb was completely full.
“Take this! Magic Bomb!” Twilight Sparkle said, throwing her special move at Lyra Heartstrings, who felt too scared to move.
“No! NOOOOOOOOO!!!” Lyra screamed before she was hit by Twilight Sparkle’s special move, which finished her completely and collapsed afterwards. When she was defeated, she started shrinking and reverted back to a normal size pony again. The darkness inside Lyra Heartstrings was also gone, meaning she is free from Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon’s control.
Twilight Sparkle flaps her wings softly and came down with a gentle, nice landing. She walked towards Lyra Heartstrings, who is unconscious and unable to move and talk for a couple days.
“Alright, another victory! I have Lyra back on the good side, the side where she truly belongs!” Twilight Sparkle said with excitement, feeling that she has been very successful defeating giant ponies on her own without her friends’ help for a while. “However, I should bring my friends over here so we can talk about those evil alicorns’ schemes.
Twilight Sparkle knows that the mission is over and she saved from Yokohama from being completely destroyed, but she still feels like she should continue fighting evil giant ponies and other creatures with the help from her friends again.
One hour later, it was 10:53 and Twilight Sparkle brought her friends to Yokohama where they can discuss about what the next step is and how they can do things easier when searching for wherever Daybreaker and her sister, Nightmare Moon, are hiding.
“I’m glad you defeated all those giant evil ponies without us!” Rainbow Dash was excited, hugging Twilight Sparkle for dealing with the evil giants alone and survived, just like how Twilight Sparkle told them from before. “Man, you really got the job done. I’m amazed on how incredible you are! You’re getting stronger and better every day!”
“It seems that everyone so far are back on the good side.” Applejack said, seeing ally and friends are on the true, rightful side where they belong.
“We are really feeling like things can be together as a group once again.” Pinkie Pie told the group, deciding that all eight ponies shall fight the evil giants for a while. “I mean, we are back together as a group again, and it is just so interesting where we fight together against the next evil giant!”
Starlight Glimmer interrupted Pinkie Pie, saying, “I’m gonna let you six go on ahead and fight the other evil giant ponies that will attack the world. Me and Sunburst gotta resume tracking down Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon.”
“Yeah, because when we all fought Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon in Kuala Lumpur earlier this morning, we lost the fight after we caught up with them.” Sunburst said, adding on with what Starlight Glimmer was saying. “They have put us under a sleeping spell, and therefore we lost track of the two.”
“I see. So Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon still have tricks up their hooves and they will stop us from getting any closer towards them.” Twilight Sparkle understood what her friends are mentioning about how the two evil, corrupted alicorns have escaped during the fight.
“Right now, we don’t know where they are at the moment.” Fluttershy told Twilight Sparkle, not even she can explain where the alicorns’ whereabouts can be located.
“Basically frustrating when I gotta put it like this since Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon are getting more power and that they are beyond Twilight’s power.” Rarity places her hoof on her chin, and can see that Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon have grown more powerful and has reached greater strength since the last time after Princess Celestia defeated them both.
Twilight Sparkle was shocked over what Rarity said, although she admits this must be true.
“Even though Yokohama is safe, there’s other cities in other countries that’ll be under attack soon and once the corrupted alicorns turn our friends and allies evil, we gotta be prepared and stop them, no matter the cost!” Applejack said.
“She’s right. We all need to think of a plan on what we should do.” Sunburst told the mares, reminding them that they can’t do one task at the same time.
“Don’t worry, Sunburst. Me and you are going after Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker. Twilight and her friends can stay and keep themselves ready for the next evil giants that may attack this world soon.” Starlight Glimmer places her hoof on Sunburst’s back.
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash all nod in an agreement with Starlight’s decision. Twilight Sparkle eventually agreed, too.
“Alright, you two can go do you must do, and me and my friends can go get ready for the next fight against these evil giants that is a fallen ally and friends we have known.” Twilight Sparkle created a portal for Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst and they both walked into the portal so they can find Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon.
Twilight Sparkle turns herself back at her friends, warning them that danger may be finished for now, but the next day, things will change and must keep an eye out for any of their friends and allies that Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker will turn into villains with a dark spell.
“Everypony, are you all prepared for another battle and still promise that we all can save the world together?” Twilight Sparkle asked her friends, making sure they all heard her clear.
“Yes, we will!” Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy all shouted in agreement with Twilight Sparkle asked them, and they would protect Earth from their fallen friends and allies who will become evil during the next several days.
Twilight Sparkle looks up at the moon in the dark sky, seeing that things are fine at least for now, although tomorrow and multiple days after that will be a different story.
Celebrating happiness with each other, Twilight Sparkle and her friends all walk together through the streets while looking for a better, brighter day and hope they can keep Earth safe from the evil giant ponies and other creatures soon.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Mumbai, where Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon are standing on the top of a building.
“So, Starlight and Sunburst believe they can stop us from turning their friends evil, huh?” Nightmare Moon asked Daybreaker.
“Even if they could stop us, they NEVER can because the next time those two ponies try and find out where we are, we have a surprise for Starlight and Sunburst!” Daybreaker told Nightmare Moon, letting her know that Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer will not succeed in searching for her and her sister, even the current location.
“Indeed, that’s what I thought.” Nightmare Moon chuckles, seeing that her and Daybreaker might have to escape in case they do get caught.
What Daybreaker thought about was bringing in her secret weapon, but she will keep it a secret until tomorrow.
To be continued…
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