Posey Shy tried desperately to not crush anything. Buildings barely came up to her knees, people were the size large crumbs, and she was acutely aware of how easy it was for the micros to see up her skirt. She hated to admit that it made her excited. Things have been rather stale at home for a while. Between her children both leaving and her husband retiring, she had very little going on. When her daughter asked her to try out a part time position with The M.I.L.F., she reluctantly agreed. Fluttershy just couldn’t stop ranting about how empowering it was. Posey decided she’d take a closer look at her admirers and kneeled down. The resounding thump was a tad embarrassing, but every eye was on her. She tied her blouse into a more appealing style and announced, “I saw you all staring, what ate you waiting for? Surely all of you could do the job if you worked together?”