One morning, Sugar Belle, Big McIntosh’s girlfriend, arrived with a box of donuts for him to taste test for her bakery.
Sugar walked up to his front door and knocked on it. “Oh, Big Mac?”, she asked.
“Eeyup?”, Big Mac replied from inside the house.
“I came with a new batch of pastries for you to try.”, she responded back.
“I’ll be right out, babe.”
Sugar walked over to the driveway while she waited for him to come out. Mac opened the door to peek out and find her gone. He turned his head around until he found her at the driveway. Sugar giggled and gestures him to come over to her. Mac got out of the house and headed to her to the driveway. Mac was bigger than last time, having gained over 100 pounds over time since becoming Sugar’s taste tester for her food at her bakery. He waddled all the way over to her as fast as he could. Sugar then opened the box of donuts, which were a bit bigger than normal-sized donuts.
“Whoa, those donuts sure look huge.”, said Mac, amazed at their size.
“But not as big as you.”, Sugar remarked, smacking his gut playfully while giggling.
“Y’know, ya don’t always have to come all this way here to keep sending these yourself.”, Mac said sincerely.
“Then I’d have no reason to come and visit you.”, Sugar said, pinching his cheek. “Now dig in, big boy!”, she said enthusiastically.
Mac scarfed down two donuts and was amazed with the flavor. “I can taste some fillings in these, Sugar.”, he said with his mouth full.
“Glad you noticed! Vanilla frosting in the glazed donuts, raspberry in the pink ones, and extra chocolate in the chocolate ones.”, she replied as Mac grabbed a few more donuts.
“Interesting. You oughta give ‘em a catchy name or somethin’.”
“Of course. I’m currently workshopping a name for these. My first choice was ‘Filled Holes’.”
“That’s not bad. You should use that name.”, nodded Mac, having devoured his 9th donut.
“Really? Thanks.”, said Sugar, feeling touched by his opinion. She then noticed there were three donuts left. “Wow! You’re really going through these, aren’t you?”
Mac chuckled. “Eeyup.”
As he grabbed his 10th donut, his belt snapped, sending the buckle flying off, followed by the button on his pants, with his belly spilling out in the process. A surprised Sugar dropped the box, sending the remaining donuts falling out and on the ground. Mac was embarrassed by the outcome.
“Dang, and I thought these pants would hold up longer than my last pair. And these were custom-made by Rarity.”, Mac lamented. “I might be gettin’ a bit too fat from all those pastries you been feedin’ me, Sugar.”
“Sorry.”, replied a guilty Sugar.
“Hey, it’s not your fault. I was already puttin’ on weight before this.”, Mac reassured her. “Guess that fat magic really made me a pig, hadn’t it?”
“A glutton, yes, but a pig, I don’t find you a pig in the least.”, Sugar replied. “Maybe it’s time I help you cut back until then until you’re a little smaller. Not too small, of course. I find your roundness pretty enticing.” Mac blushed over her words as she poked his exposed belly.