Original Description:
A little sketchy drawing of these two, like mentioned before Twilight was banished to the stars when her corruption turned her into midnight sparkle, the symbol of grief, and caused the tribes to split. After a manipulation tactic from Midnight Sparkle turned Sunny into an unwilling Alicorn successor and thus Sunny somehow defeating the midnight form, they both go back to Sunny’s hometown to find them in horror of Sunny betraying them and tried to drive her and Twilight out of the town, thus Twilight taking her into the skies. They both find it awful how the town and the other tribes have now feared alicorns and the powers they have because of Twilight’s mistake, causing the two of them to find out what happened and how to stop it as Twilight’s memories are fuzzy. This also means that in their journey, they both find each other relatable in some sense and teach each other something, teaches from the past and teaches from the present.Scene Layout; Twilight and Sunny look over the town of marebay as they try to drive them out of town, all of them getting their weapons that was given to them to protect themselves from pegasi.Sunny: “I don’t get it, I lived here since I was a foal, why do they suddenly hate me?”
Twilight: “I believe it’s.. because of me.”
Sunny: “What?”
Twilight: “Sunny, I’m sorry, but I am the sole reason I created this future. You remember what Midnigh- I did, right?”
Sunny: “You… Took away the meaning of friendship… and you drove the tribes apart…”
Twilight: “And I made you an alicorn unwilllingly. They don’t see you as one of them now that you’re like me… They fear me and they now fear you…”
Sunny: “But I’m not an alicorn! Not fully!”
Twilight: “But you still show it. I’m so sorry for what happened, but you can’t stay here for any longer. We have to leave.”
Sunny: “But-!”The two leave marebay, the ponies feeling successful in their tactics as they cheer. However, Hitch feels like this wasn’t what Sunny meant when she originally left to convince Midnight Sparkle from destroying the land. So, he decides to leave Marebay to follow the two. Sprout sees Hitch leave and assumes he’s going after them to get rid of them once and for all, trying to follow Hitch into this nonexistent quest before Hitch abandoned him halfway, Sprout now assuming for the worst to think the alicorns has hypnotized Hitched and will be back with an army. This begins the somewhat original plot of the g5 movie of sprout’s takeover.