Original Description:
Here’s an alternate ending to 28 Pranks Later.
Snips: Er, so, girls…
Snails: Uh, how come you and everypony else let Rainbow Dash escape?
Snips: Yeah.
Snails: Yeah.
The girls exchange looks at each other
Twilight: Oh, that…
Applejack: Um…
Fluttershy: Oh, dear…
Rarity: Well…
Pinkie: Well, she just-!
Twilight: Cuts Pinkie off hastily Um, we did it on purpose!
Pinkie: Confused Did we?
Rarity: Yes! Yes! You know, we were testing her to see if she COULD escape!
Snips and Snails smirk at each other, not believe the story
Snips: Liars, liars!
Snails: Pants on fire!
Snips: Do they wear pants?
Snails: Well, training pants.
Snips: Oh, right.
Note: For version of 28 Pranks Later, Rainbow escapes the barn by breaking through the roof.