Original Description:
Donkey Kong makes his way out of the factory with his sack of Mini Mario toys. Just then…
Mario: Hey! Come back here!
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo: Hold it right there!
Mario: Glaring at Donkey Kong No, you don’t!
Donkey Kong: Uhh!
Mario: Glaring No, you don’t!
Apple Bloom: Also glaring Don’t you dare!
Sweetie Belle: Also glaring Don’t do it!
Scootaloo: Also glaring Don’t even think about, DK!
Donkey Kong then runs away!
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo: What the-?!
Mario: What are you doing?! What’s going on here?!
Mario and the Crusaders give chase, grumbling to themselves