And now introducing Myosoti! His name come from “myosotis” which is the scientific word for forget-me-not flowers. I used that name not only because it also sounds like a typical Japanese name, but because he is based loosely on Shigeru Miyamoto, the man who created several popular Nintendo titles like Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Pikmin, and more. Myosoti is a video game developer himself and made a certain popular video game about dragons. Nightwatch and Buttercream may come across him in their journeys!
With Myosoti out of the way, let it be known that I do have a few other characters and designs in mind for other longs of Ester Dracos that might appear in this story, but I have yet to work on them, so for now, this is it. If you’d like to read MLSiaD: Ester Dracos, start there: